Have you got a game, book or movie you'd like to make a story out of? Want to expand on a story or plot that stopped? Have an original idea for a story that you want to post somewhere? Here's where to do it. Basically an RPG where one player controls ALL characters in the story.


Postby C S » Wed Sep 10, 2008 12:52 am

The orange monster sat at the edge of the beach and stared ot into the pre dawn sky, the night slowly moving from the night to the morning. There were pinkish clouds on the eastern horrizon. The monster watched at the colors, captivated by it's natrual beauty. He made a low grumble in his throat as he saw the red sun make it's way over the water, which made a rippling reflection of it. In the dim light, th orange monster was revealed to have a large snout, dark black stripes wrapped around the top jaw of thes snout and moved along his back. His eyes with are eagle like, with a yellow eye ball and a red peircing pupil.Straying away from the more prominant stripes are the skinny black stripes that meandered around the monster's body. His arms, long and muscular, his fingers had burgandy claws, and so did his toes. His legs were longer than his arms, cntridictory to the bodilly design of the creature that had found him. sun was up, andits red hue was orange in color now. The monster cocked his head at the sound of a long and deep yawn. Then, the ground shook. Not to far inland, MegaMouth's snout betrayed his pressense, it rising far above as it sniffed the air. The puffs sounded like the hiss of compressed air. The monster looked backward and made a worried growl, gettin to his feet, arms pasted to his side. MegaMouth moved out of the jungle, ramming trees out of where they were rooted, and stood on all 4's. His arms were longer than is legs, and he braced hi upper body on his knuckles. He only had 3 fingers, so his front footprints were two clear dent like imprints with 2 others trailing behind, a triangular mound of Earth inbewtweenwhere Mega's fingers had been was ussually left behind. The burgandy monster growled "MiniJaw...are you always awake this early?" MiniJaw responded with a snort, "Earlier" taking pride. "Hey MegaMouth" The smaller, 10 foot monster gowled to the now 200 foot tall monster a few meters from him. "Thank you for taking me under your care...if I was like the others.. I would probablly be...being digested by that....Snake...'s sto-stomach" MiniJaw's eyes clouded and tears welled up behind his bottom eye lid. MegaMouth saw this and hissed distastefully "Clear your eyes, it makes me ashamed to know you look like meif your going to leak when some one decides to do something decent for you" MiniJaw growled "You are ashamed of crying?" MegaMouth snarled "I...dont cry, I will never cry, an impossibillity, the world is cold, MiniJaw, you just have to be colder...."

Chapter 1: The Sad Past, The Story from his eyes

"MegaMouth has always been a rock when it cmes to emotion. He says he had to fight all odds to survive and he did. He was eaten by a snake once, but he managed to get out alive. He hates it when others simply break down. Does this mean he sees their potential to be great? Or just doesn't want to hear their problems? I like to think it's the first one, but....well, knowing MegaMouth, he has loads of reasons to be emotion-less, and even more to be angry. That was his most prominant trait. He was born angry, grew up angry, and had unleashed his ire many times. It's scary. A few weeks ago, when he first apeared, he snapped at one of is allies...Whiteclaw, I think, MegaMouth fought him, and during the fight, he almost seemed like he wanted to kill him......Whiteclaw fled, but it makes me wonder, If I do what ever Whiteclaw did to make Mega angry...would Mega kill me? And about his rage, it seems like he has an endless supply, able to go from placid to completely hell bent in seconds. What can upset him so much?" MiniJaw wondered. It was now later in the day, near mid day. MegaMouth had wonder into the jungle, remembering, just a few weeks ago, he had gone on another rampage, short after the fight against Whiteclaw. Could the loss of his island home really have that much of an effect on him? Or was it the fact he was no longer the island king that so many had called him, out of admiration of his diminuitive size when he claimed the title, or out of fear of the monster he grew into. Could the shock of struggling to over come the rest, and then being jettisonned back to the bottom of the mountain he climbed be too much for him to cope with? Every time when thinking about it, he slammed his fists into the ground and made a short, sharp snarl, his eyes clenched shut in a furious glare. MegaMouth stopped moving, his lips curled, showng his interlocking rasor sharp slightly curved triangular teeth. The trees parted and the larger, purple colore monster stepped into view. His poison green emerald eyes flashed with malicious intent. MegaMouth hissed "Hello again..Nega.." NegaMegaMouth snarled "Missed me, Mega?" "Never" Nega hissed " seems your fearof me has lowered my apeal towards you" MegaMouth growled, angrillyy "I never feared you, I attacked, I only brought my allies into the fight when I couldnt bring you down myself" Nega replied "You say that as if you can take me alone now.." MegaMouth reared up and flashed his claws. Nega growled "Good..becauseyour ALLIES ARE DEAD" MegaMouth felt as if he was hit with a brick, 1,000 tons and moving 100 miles per hour. "Snake..." He began "And the dragon" Nega finshed. "Alone, they stood no chance" MegaMouth roared "YOU B*STARD" Nega growled "Tsk, tsk tsk...temper temper...son" The statement horrified MegaMouth. Wide eyed, he hissed "Explain" NegaMegaMouth growled "Its time you knew, understand....that you...are my son, my sucessor...." MegaMouth rammed the larger 320 foot monster, the force making Nega slide backwards. Shaking his head, Nega hissed "I dont take pride in that fact..." MegaMouth roared "YOU TRIED TO KILL ME, YOU KILL MY ALLIES, AND YOU TELL ME YOUR MY FATHER?!" He ran at Nega, samming his fists down on him, then uppercutting him. Nega slammed his own fit into MegaMouth's stomach, the blow sending him flying back. "I guess, like all born into legend...sons must try to over throw their fathers" MegaMouth snarled "I AM NOT YOUR SON!" He growled inwardly "Fathers dot try to kill their sons" Nega walked over to MegaMouth, growling "To deny the truth is futile..LOOK AT ME, THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN US IS COLOR AND SIZE...but that will change...soon...or, what WOULD change..because, MegaMouth, as it turns out, If I am to resume my reign over the island, must dispose of you..." Megaouth snarled "The island is destroyed, you killed the other remnants of my rule." Nega laughed and roared "IN MY" He growled" have truelly believed you..." He laughed again. "MegaMouth.." He slammed his fist down into the fallen monster. "Ill leave you to live, for even I understand pride....and what happens when your stripped of it....but heed this...I will be back,so, think of me, and fear me, and when i do come back..I will kill you, remove your entrails, whileyou are alive...slowly" MegaMouth got up and thrust his claws into his "father"'s shoulder blades, raking his toe claws down his abdoman, using his other leg to kick Nega, the blow knocking the monster off balance. MegaMouth got up, jaws positioned for a neck blow, as well as his claws. He growled "No Nega, I will let YOU go, and you will leave here, and live out the rest of your life, and dare you return, I will rip you, and fear me, your son, giving you a taste of what you did to me so long ago...father, now...RUN" Nega got up. He began "Your blood-" "RUUUUUN" MegaMouth roared, slamming his fist into Nega's jaw, the blow almost snapping the bone. Nega took the hint and stalked into the jungle. He hissed one last time "You'll be-" MegaMouth interupted again with a disgusted snarl "You betray my mercy?!" By this time, Nega was nowhere to be seen...for now
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Postby Tediz » Tue Sep 23, 2008 6:45 am

Looooooooooooooooooooooootta speeling mistaeks.... But I got no room to talk there mate. I'm not a good roleplayer or a writer.... I rush things to much. I like it though :P
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Postby Iceking » Tue Sep 23, 2008 12:08 pm

Very nice job, cs. I especially like the part where mm shows that he cared about his allies, even though he was angered by whiteclaw in paticular.
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