I'm Just Confused

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I'm Just Confused

Postby Hopeflower » Sun Nov 02, 2008 9:04 pm

I'm Just Confused
Part 1: There's No Such Thing as StarClan

I am not like the rest of my Clan. I am not one of the typical Clan warriors. I do not believe in StarClan, as much as they might want me to. I do not believe that the spirits of cats who have gone before are watching over us. What is starry fur, after all, but a trick of the light? What is the Moonpool or the Moonstone, if not a place to dream? What is StarClan but a tale for kits?

My Clanmates shun me for my beliefs. They whisper that I will turn out just like Tigerstar did--a traitor to my Clan and the warrior code. They say I will be disloyal to my Clan, to my friends, to my family. But what is loyalty, anyway? Is it being willing to give your life to defend your friends and family? Or is it staying true to your beliefs, no matter what happens to you? I’m not evil, really. I just don’t see StarClan as being all-powerful. I’m not going to betray my Clan, no matter how others look at me, or what they say about the way I think.

I’m just…confused.

No one can give me answers that I’m happy with. They tell me that StarClan are spirits of cats who have gone before. They tell me that if I’m just patient, StarClan will send me a special dream.

Now, excuse me while I laugh hysterically at all of that. Spirits? Special dreams? That’s a load of fox dung. I can hardly believe that others tell me that something exists because they believe it is really there, and then expect me to agree with them. Oh, yes, I can agree sarcastically, but I’d rather not confuse these poor delirious cats any more.

Bottom line, I do not believe in StarClan. Period. The end. Dead cats are just…dead cats. They stay in the ground. If you dug up a grave, you’d find bones, fur, maybe a rotting corpse. The cats don’t float up into the sky, or become stars, or any of that other mouse dung.

I’ve asked the medicine cats what they see when they share with StarClan. The answers are not much better. “We see things that we cannot explain. Until you see a StarClan warrior for yourself, you won’t understand what it’s like.”

Ha. Fox dung, all of it. I’m not waiting for a dream just so I can spit in the faces of these dead warriors. I can do that by questioning them with my paws firmly on the ground. I don’t need to be air-headed to wound their pride.

No, I will never betray the cats of my Clan. But sometimes I wonder if they’re just idiots, or ignorant idiots who live in little worlds of their own, where StarClan is good and kind and has the best interests of every cat at heart.

I’d like to yowl in their faces that StarClan did NOT lead the Clans to the lake. It was living cats who led us here, and it is LIVING cats that fight to keep themselves alive. StarClan did not protect us from losing some of our best warriors. Sometimes I think less cats would die if they didn’t have their heads in the clouds while they yowled that StarClan would save them.

Ha, I laugh at them, all of them. They are fools, and they will train more fools. We have the instincts to keep us alive. We hunt, we fight, we stick to the warrior code, and we defend our territories. All the credit goes to living cats, not dead ones.

Rub my name in the mud, for all I care. I will never believe in StarClan.

Why? The answer is very simple.

StarClan does not exist. When cats die, they stay dead. They do not return to haunt the living. They do not walk among us. They are not all-knowing, much as my Clanmates like to believe they are.

I laugh at them all. They are in for a painful wake-up call. And I will laugh all the harder when they receive it.

Part 2: Oh, For The Love Of...
Coming Soon
"Gotta have a little sadness once in a while so you know when the good times come."
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