Dreamer E-war

Where good and bad RPGs and E-wars go to die.

Postby C S » Fri Jul 23, 2010 5:53 am

The attacks came swiftly. Large creatures dropped down from the canopy, letting out a high pitched bellow that sounded like a "Nyaaargh!" as they fell. They were insect like, six legs ending with a sharp point. Their exoskeletons were a transparent yellow, almost as if they were covered in some sort of amber. Their builds were stocky, spider like, sporting crab like pincers. They saw the world through a single oval black eye situated over gnarled mandibles. Out from the bushes and shrubs came more attackers, generally the same as their falling counterparts, except these sported strange pincers. One was over sized and the other was shrunk to an almost useless level. Some even sported spikes along their backs. Desrium swung his blade about as he spun on a heel, his jagged blade slamming down on the giant claw of one of the ground attackers, which used the pincer as a shield. The armored being wrenched the blade out forcefully as he leapt back, one of the creatures raining down from above thumping onto the ground infront of him. It clicked its claws menacingly...
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Fri Jul 23, 2010 7:01 am

One of the creatures was sent hurdling into a nearby tree, crashing into the plant with enough force to snap a few loose branches above. Gorgluk roared excitedly, smashing another to the ground with a single swing. The Swarmlord lashed out with one of its bone sabres, the weapon colliding with one of the creatures' pincers, shattering the exoskeleton with the force of the blow. Following up with the attack, the Hive Tyrant brought a foot down on top of the crab-like creature, crushing it. Calgar leaned against a nearby tree, watching the scene with a bored expression.

Postby C S » Fri Jul 23, 2010 7:21 am

Dull thumping could be heard as Desrium sent his foot into the creature infront of him repeatedly. It crossed its pincers, using them as a shield as it forced its way forward. Desrium let out a grunt as he sent an especially strong stomp down onto the crab-insect, tilting it forward. With that, he drove his blade into it's back, the sharp tip penetrating the exoskeleton with ease. The jagged blade sliced the creature's innards, its transparent body suddenly flashing purplish as it bled internally. Desrium removed his blade as he stepped onto the dying creature. The giant clawed creature behind charged forward, swinging its pincer about. Desrium leapt at the attacker, the pincer passing underneath him. He plowed his sword into the creature's eye as he landed, warranting a pained screech. "I was enjoying the silence!" Desrium snarled, his neutral tone suddenly becoming cold and hostile. He forced his blade in deeper. A wet squealch was heard as he removed his blade, purple blood flowing down the grooves in the weapon. As Desrium stepped back from the fallen creatures, he heard another call, a warbling and a hoot. Some ground dwellers skittered up to the Swarmlord, Ork, Human and armored being, claws raised defensivly as they approached. Some tree dweller sped up at the three, jumping into the air as they neared, flashing their sharp tipped legs and claws as they prepared to grapple with their foes...
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Fri Jul 23, 2010 7:38 am

Gorgluk smashed one of the creatures out of the air with his makeshift weapon, crushing it against a nearby tree, the force finally snapping the branch. Disappointed but undeterred, the warboss smashed one of the ends of the branch into the back of another creature, smashing it through its exoskeleton, pancaking the soft parts in between its shell. The Swarmlord smashed one sabre into one of the lunging creatures, completely splitting it in two before it hit the ground, simultaneously stabbing another creature's face with a sabre, piercing the weapon into its body. The other two blades clashed with the other ground dwellers, forcing back their pincers as it lifted the impaled crab creature into the air, bludgeoning the preoccupied ground dwellers with their own ally. Calgar remained unimpressed, not yet engaging any of the creatures...

Postby C S » Fri Jul 23, 2010 8:03 am

Desrium spun about on his heels once more as he swung his blade, the jagged edged sword slamming into the side of one of the jumping crabs, slicing into its shell. It was taken on the blade, swinging into another one of the leaping creatures, the two smacking together with a squealing noise. Desrium angled his sword down to the ground, not paying any mind to the distant thump that was the other tree dweller slamming into the bark of a trunk a few feet away. He slammed his armored foot onto the underside of the crab like insect, its legs flailing as Desrium pulled his sword out. Its shell cracked around the wound and violet ooze spilled out onto the ground. The ground dwellers around him were close. One jabbed the over sized pincer at him, the claw open and ready to slam shut on the armored being's leg. Desrium made a turn on his heel as he side stepped the attack, swinging his blade down onto the creature's arm, slicing it off before swinging the sword into its face, a sharp cry from it being silenced a split second later. With one fluid motion, he pulled the blade out and spun about, the sword connecting with the face of another ground dweller behind him. Its claw was held out, about to be stabbed into the armored being's back as a sneak attack. Its arm twitched a few times before it dropped down, its legs buckling from underneath it. A strong tug on the hilt freed his sword, which he held at a diagonal infront of him as he identified his next combatant...

A few tree dwellers behind the ork and swarm boss launched themselves into place, hanging onto their backs. They held onto what ever they could with their claws, stabbing their legs into the armored fighters as they tried to find a weak point, while distracting the warriors so the stronger ground dwellers could attack. Above Calgar, a tree dweller scampered down the bark, clicking its claws as ground dwellers moved towards their inactive enemy...
Last edited by C S on Fri Jul 23, 2010 7:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Fri Jul 23, 2010 7:19 pm

Gorgluk immediately smashed himself against a tree, splattering the creature on his back and causing the tree to shift in the process. The Swarmlord did the same, though at a slower speed, simply pushing the creature against a tree, impaling it slowly and painfully onto one of the many spines on its carapace. Swinging around with the creature squirming on its back, the Hive Tyrant hacked another ground dweller's claw in half, stomping the beast flat with a roar. Calgar took notice of the creature approaching him, but did nothing, watching the fight with a bored expression.

Postby C S » Fri Jul 23, 2010 7:47 pm

The tree dweller tapped at Calgar's armor with its claws, inspecting the plating. The ground dwellers were less curious. They closed in, jabbing their claws into his body as they tried to bludgen their enemy to death, finding that their pincers couldnt peirce the armor of their foes...

The other ground dwellers around the giants stopped their attacks, slipping back into the shadows, not wanting to share the fate of their counterparts. What ever these brutish creatures were, they were too strong to be taken down by the Rock Carables. Surviving tree dwellers, the Leaf Carables, took to the trees aswell, scampering up the bark of the surrounding trees. Desrium looked about, still alert despite the apparent retreat. If the creatures werent switching tactics and planning a suprise attack, some other jungle animal might have been attracted to the sounds of battle...
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Postby Doc 42 » Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:51 pm

"Brain, claw and liver"
Raven put the spell book down, surveying the collection of organs and body parts infront of him. "Check" He reopened the book "Tooth and bone" He glanced down again "Check."

He continued to flick through the book, sitting on top of the polar bear's corpse calmly...
"**** off TT"-Doc 42

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Postby Godzilla Forever » Fri Jul 23, 2010 11:02 pm

Draco battles the beast in hand to hand combat, the yeti having gotten him in a huggging grab. Draco bites the beast's arm, forcing it to relinquish its grip and lumber back a few steps. readying its ice mace, the icy monster swings its weapon which collides with Draco's blade. The two strike each other's weapons multiple times before Draco finally shatters his foe's mace. Stumbling backwards, the beast roars in anger before it jumps forward and punches Draco in the chest making him fly back. Rolling with the blow, Draco quickly recovers before shooting a pillar of flame at the yeti. The beast's fur bursts into flames, flailnig its arms widly and screaming at the top of its lungs before it falls over on the snow, dead. the fires die out before draco sheathes his blade and begins to tear the beast's meat off of its body to eat...............
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sat Jul 24, 2010 2:51 am

The sound of scraping metal echoed around the jungle, as Calgar slammed a fist down on top of one of the retreating creatures, impaling it. Pushing the creature off with his boot, he retracted a set of massive metal claws back into his gauntleted hand. Gorgluk chased after one of the ground dwellers, lifting the creature with one hand before smashing it repeatedly against a nearby tree, laughing loudly as he did so. The Swarmlord instinctively sent a psychic message ordering the consumption of the dead, taking a few seconds to realize once more that its allies were no where to be found...

Postby C S » Sat Jul 24, 2010 3:05 am

"Eat the dead?" Desrium asked, having recieved the Swarmlord's mental message. He stared at the bleeding bodies of the amber shelled Carables. "Is this some sort of ritual for you?" He asked, lacking the memory of hunger and eating. His thoughts were thrown off by loud squawking high above, the fluttering of wing beats sounding off soon after. There was the warbling cries of the Carables ambient as background noise. Something had spooked the birds right out of their nest...
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sat Jul 24, 2010 4:46 am

"THOSE SLAIN MUST BE CONVERTED TO BIOMASS, WHICH WILL BE USED TO EXPAND THE HIVE." the mental voice roared in response. Calgar shook his head once more, trying to clear his mind. "That is going to be quite annoying..." he commented, sighing. "QUIET BUGGY! I CAN'T EVEN 'EAR MESELF THINK!" Gorgluk roared equally as loud, though the Swarmlord ignored the comment.

Postby C S » Sat Jul 24, 2010 5:02 am

"I...dont follow" Desrium said, holding his blade defensively. He stepped closer to the group, turning about with every foot step to keep tabs on every direction, every angle of possible attack. His attention turned to the wall of vegetation behind him, as he heard the distant snapping of tree branches. Screeching was growing louder, as animals fled from that direction, rappid thumping sounding off as ground based animals scampered away out of view...
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sat Jul 24, 2010 5:28 am

"More of the natives have come to play." Calgar stated boredly, Gorgluk roaring challengingly. "Let 'em come! Neva enuff fightin'!" he growled, once again smashing a fist against his palm...

Postby C S » Sat Jul 24, 2010 5:32 am

"Atleast the green skin didnt scream" Desrium said to Calgar, raising his sword as the snapping grew louder. A faint tremor could be felt as a giant approached. Small parts of its being could be seen through the leaves and vines. Its legs, all six of them, were in full view from the ground. Mottled gray and black, with shades of yellow here and there...
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sun Jul 25, 2010 7:21 am

"Lovely." Calgar commented as he spotted the gargantuan creature. The Swarmlord readied his bone sabres, while Gorgluk roared excitedly...

Postby C S » Sun Jul 25, 2010 7:46 am

The tree tops exploded with a deafening snap of wood, leaves and branch fragments raining down around the four strangers. From the cleared out canopy, the top of the shelled titan was seen. Its body was different than that of the ground and tree dwellers. Instead of a broad body with a shell covering, it sported a gargantuan shell, with thick over lapping plates. When the plates eneded, they curved up, forming a set of recurved spikes on its back. What wasnt covered by the shell was dark gray carapace, dark blue and yellow streaks running along its body. Instead of one eye like its smaller cousins, this Titan Carable had two on either side of its head, and its mouth was circular and elastic under the dead black orbs. Its arms were large, one sporting a giant pincer, akin to the ground dwellers, while the other sported a scythe like growth, white spikes jutting out from the limb. The giant looked down at the beings before it, and bellowed- an other worldly hiss that sent the fleshy growth that was its mouth expanding in all directions. It displayed lines of needle like teeth that grew out of every oraface in the circular maw, while long, dark red tendril-like appendages with spiked tips shot out, writhing before returning into the beast's mouth as it closed.

Desrium's hands clenched his blade's hilt tightly, eyes never leaving his target. "Still up for that fight, Green skin?" He asked cooly, muscles tensing for the oncoming battle...
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Postby raptor33 » Sun Jul 25, 2010 3:50 pm

"I wonder where Draco is..." Chaos turned the lexicon into a radar tracker. "Hmm...... where the hell is he? It's like he just disappeared."
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sun Jul 25, 2010 7:34 pm

"Wat kinda question is dat?! OF COURSE I'M READY TA FIGHT!" Gorgluk roared, pulling a large rock from the ground, swinging it around before launching it at the crab-like creature...

Postby C S » Sun Jul 25, 2010 7:48 pm

"Did...you really have to yell" The red eyed figure said, slightly irritated. "Because thats what got us into this...situation"

The Titan Carable swung its giant claw about, smacking the rock away with a large thunk against its carapce. It let out another call, a loud warbling, a deeper sound than that of the tree dwellers. There was a cracking sound as it raised its front two legs, the joints flexing noisilly. The sharp tipped limbs lashed out into two trees infront of the crab giant, dislodging even more leaves. It then forced forward, uprooting the trees as it walked. The roots of the trees broke the surface of the ground, soil scattering around the large plants before they were finally felled, plummeting towards the four beings below...

Desrium broke into a run when the Carable started its assault, sticking roughly in the space between the two trees, trying to keep away from where the branches would land...
Last edited by C S on Mon Jul 26, 2010 2:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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