Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby InfernalAngel » Fri Aug 05, 2011 5:09 am

The captain of the SWAT team yelled out over a loud speaker, "Put the child down, or we will have our sniper team blow you apart, this is your only warning!"

Natasha chuckled inside her Cyborg armour., and then replied "Or you could give me the package, and I wouldn't have to kill anyone!"

The little boy who she had her pistol pointed at began crying, yelling for his mother over and over again.
"Auferre, trucidare, rapere, falsis nominibus imperium; atque, ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant."

"They plunder, they slaughter, and they steal: this they falsely name Empire, and where they make a wasteland, they call it peace."
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby C S » Fri Aug 05, 2011 8:28 am

Galaak stepped back out of the room, now sporting a white shirt with two black stripes that cut across diagonally. He was wearing dark gray pants that had a vaguely metallic shimmer to them in the light, as well as a black belt like fixture around his waist. Where the "buckle" would be was a small oval panel sporting various buttons. He was wearing black footwear that had a blue lining along the bottom.

He started walking through the area he was in, coming to a wall that promptly started to split apart, becoming numerous small sections of metal plates in seconds, creating a walk way. After stepping through, the wall reshaped itself, locking together perfectly. He was now in the command room, the lights off in this section upon entry save for a path marked by dim orange ones. The captain walked along this path to his control consoles and he sat down in his black chair that had a purple foam-like cushioning and a slit for his dorsal fin to slide into. "No matter how much times I go into hibernation, it always feels the same. Well then. Time for business" He muttered to himself. He put his hands on the two semicircular control mechanisms that extended from either side of his chair. Where his blue hands rested, bright white lights began to shine. All of a sudden, the entire room was bathed in the white light just as the rest of the craft. "E-doch, command module please" Galaak said.

A circular metal plate in front of the pilot opened. From the large array of screens, panels and instruments came a thin, chrome mechanical arm with three prong like graspers. Being held was a large dark gray device with several buttons and what seemed to be a display. Galaak took the device and held it over his right hand and split seconds later, a wide band had emerged from the module, wrapping around his wrist and securing itself. The Ascatian then pressed one of the many buttons, causing the many displays and computers to flash to life with a low hum, the ship's flight systems booting up. "Has a course been plotted?" He said out loud. "Affirmative" appeared on one of the larger displays over the alien pilot's head. From his wrist module a holographic star map was projected, a bright white line tracing the energy signature that was in the ship's general vicinity. With a nod, Galaak deactivated the projection and shortly after, a hologram of an orange orb appeared before Galaak, which he put his hands on. Where is finger tips made contact turned a bright yellow, his motions being what controlled the vessel. Suddenly, the panels ahead of the pilot split and slid upwards, the solar spread that covered the main screen moving out of place to let him peer out into space. With quick flicks of his wrists and movements of his fingers, Galaak pointed his craft along the course then fired the main thruster, the Interstellar Drive. At once, he was hurtling across the vast distance to his destination: the blue planet known as Earth...
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby Giratina93 » Fri Aug 05, 2011 12:39 pm

Tiffany entered into the seemingly-abandoned apartment. She looked around carefully, making certain that there was no trace of intruders, before she set off up the stairs on the right of her entry. "Need...Sleep..." she groaned as she slowly made her way up toward where her bed was. If she was lucky, she would only need 2 hours of sleep before she got active again... if not...

Meanwhile, in an alleywaynext to the apartment, a lone figure was staggering on her last legs. She was covered in a trenchcoat, and a hat that made her identity hard to pinpoint. Blood was splatterd all over the coat, and she didn't seem to be in good condition. the figure swayed to the left, then to the right, trying to keep on balance, as she turned and made her way to what looked like to her to be a safe place, away from what she had gotten into, away from the near-death experience she had been through...

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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby Godzilla Forever » Fri Aug 05, 2011 3:41 pm

Aya soon backed down, guessing that, if it didn't attack her now, it wouldn't attack at all. The assistant officers soon got into their partners squad cars, as the two main officers got in as well.

"Aya, let's go. We're done here. We're just going to have to hope they either don't appear again or, if they do, we can get there before they escape."

Aya nodded and shakily got in her squad car, as the trio of vehicles departed from the store. She prayed that whatever attacked the emergency vehicl wasn't still there....

The four man group soon entered the theater and payed for their tickets.

"We gonna get food?" Max asked.

"What do YOU think?" Dave asked, getsuring towards Matthew.

"Oh, how silly of me," Max retorted sarcastically.

Harry chuckled before they went to buy their snacks.

"Four large popcorns, please, and four large sodas," he asked for when he reached the front of the line.

"Jesus, you feeding a water buffalo or something?" the cashier said.

"Nah, we've just got Matt," Dave said before they burst out laughing (except Matt, of course).

The cashier said, "That will be thirty dollars."

"****, that's a lotta money," Harry grumbles before he hands the cashier the cash. After a few minutes, their food is done.

"Here you go, fellas," the cashier said with a big smile on her face. "Enjoy your movie."

They all nod before they head toward their theater....
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby dinoman666 » Fri Aug 05, 2011 3:49 pm

Seeing the humans back down, Kala turned his attention back to the ambulance that had fled. He could track its heat signature, but he wasn't entirely sure if it was worth it by this point. He decided instead to head to one of the city's back alleys to allow his suit energy to recharge for further exploration later. The alien skittered off as quietly as possible, heading back the way he had come from...
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby InfernalAngel » Fri Aug 05, 2011 6:01 pm

With reflexes faster than lightning, and more presice than a expert painter, due to her cyborg implants and battle armour, Natasha took her kinetic pistol from the boy's head for an instant, and fired six shots, two of witch hit the SWAT commander directly in the chest, knocking him backwards, and leaving two holes in his chest. The kinetic rounds from Natasha's pistol tore through the man's body armor. She also landed a shot into another SWAT opratives leg, causeing him to collapse within moments. The other kinetic bullets had been deflected off the heavy riot sheilds of the swat officers. She should have brought one of her assault rifles, the small pistol wouldnt break through the sheild.

SWAT team medics quickly rushed to the body of the commander adn the wounded oprative. By now their was a helicopter overhead, pedestrians where screaming along with the SWAT team. Natasha slowly backed into the armored cab, and grabbed the mysterious package she had been persueing. But when the cyborg opened the package, she realized she had hit the decoy caravan.

She yelled in rage, her voice now somewhat robotic. Her A.I. began slecting escape routes, but she had already come up with one. She, with immense strength, threw the boy out of the armored cab andburst through its ceiling, her pistol drawn. The SWAT team immideatly opened fire, just as she had predicted. She quickly activated the reflective mode on her armorssheild. The bullets and stinger missle that had been fired upon her where deflected into buildings, back at the squad, and into the sidewalk. An unlucky pedestrian fell to the ground with a scream as a 9 millimeter round hit her directly in the stomach.
"Auferre, trucidare, rapere, falsis nominibus imperium; atque, ubi solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant."

"They plunder, they slaughter, and they steal: this they falsely name Empire, and where they make a wasteland, they call it peace."
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby Godzilla Forever » Fri Aug 05, 2011 6:47 pm

Max and his troop soon plopped themselves down in their theatre- number eighteen to be precise- and waited for the movie to start.

"So when's the flick start up?" Matt questioned.

"I believe that the tickets said it starts at 7:45."

"Goddammit," Max growled. "You wanted me to be here almost an hour before the ******* movie started, Harry?"

"Sorry," Harry said. "I coulda sworn it started earlier..."

"Hey, can you keep it down up in front?! We're in the theatre, you know!" someone yells.

"Geez, did everyone wake up on the wrong side of the bed today or what?" Maz thought to himself. "The movie hasn't even started yet! We'll be quiet then!" Max yelled.

Aya's squad car was soon on its own. Everyone else was either on their daily patrols or they were returning to the sheriff's station.

What happened earlier was the strangest thing she'd seen so far in her eight year career. An invisible monster? She'd sound crazy telling people about that. Consdering, though, a man was attacked by a real life transformer, that actually sounded pretty reasonable...

Aya sighed and pulled over to the side of the street and began to play her sudoku puzzle from ealier. Might as well stay entertained until someone else inevitably gives an emergency call....
"If none can know what lies ahead, then losing one's way is just human nature."~ Yoshimitsu

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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby dinoman666 » Fri Aug 05, 2011 7:18 pm

A bright flash appeared on the outer edge of Earth's solar system, and a single ship appears in the darkness of the vacuum, its engines blazing red as they propelled silently onward. Three Cephians, the squidlike aliens that Kala was a member of, watched the forward viewscreens inside the craft intently as their ship scanned the surrounding planets, tracking an energy signal. "There it is," one of the creatures growled, pointing a metal claw at the line leading towards a small, blue and green sphere. "It looks like that sabotage worked perfectly, Zakai," the Cephian added, turning its helmeted head to look up at the towering figure behind it. Zakai crossed the metal arms of his suit and nodded. "Good. What planet is this?" he said. After a few moments of checking the ship's database, the third Cephian on board replied, "A planet called 'Earth' by its inhabitants. Backwater. Relatively primitive life forms. They haven't even managed to find a way outside of their own system yet. The Cephian Primacy has yet to attempt real contact." Zakai made an electronic-sounding, warbling snort in disgust. "Great. Well, it would seem we will need to make ourselves discreet. Take us there, find a landing zone near the crash site, and we will begin our hunt from there. I want Kala dead before the day is done, so we can leave this mudball behind as quickly as possible." He turned to leave and gather his weapons when the first Cephian spoke up. "What if the natives attempt to stop us?" Zakai didn't even have to think this over. "Kill every last one that gets in our way. We don't have time to play politics..."
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby C S » Fri Aug 05, 2011 7:38 pm

As E-doch progressed along the path, another energy spike registered on the captain's various displays. "Another ship?" He wondered out loud. One craft alone this far out in this territory was odd enough, two only concerned the Ascatian explorer. There was always the possibility of one ship being a research vessel, but why would another be following the same course so relatively soon after the first? "Curious" Galaak thought, deciding that he should best exercise caution when going about the situation. Pirates tracking down lone ships was not an uncommon thing.
Last edited by C S on Fri Aug 05, 2011 7:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby dinoman666 » Fri Aug 05, 2011 7:44 pm

Selk and Bate, the two Cephians still piloting the ship towards Earth, detected Galaak's as well. "Another energy signature," Bate said. "Profile matches an Ascatian ship." "Hail them," Selk replied. "See what they're doing here." "But Zakai said to stay discreet!" "Yeah, well, good luck hiding from them then. We might as well act casual. We're here on behalf of the Cephian Military, remember?" Bate shrugged ad typed in a few commands, sending a signal to Galaak's ship, requesting communications...
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby C S » Fri Aug 05, 2011 7:52 pm

"Communication signal detected" E-doch reported. "Patch me through" Galaak said. "Affirmative. Translator active" A projection appeared on the captain's main screen, the transparent forms of the two captains. "Fair greetings, Cephians" He said to the two, veiling his suspicions of their activities extraordinarily well. Diplomacy was an invaluable skill one needed to have out in the far reaches of space.
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby dinoman666 » Fri Aug 05, 2011 7:59 pm

A small hologram of Galaak appeared in front of the two Cephian pilots. Bate, being more diplomatic than his partner, spoke up. "Greetings, Ascatian," he growled, his electronic vocoder making his voice unintentionally frightening to those unfamiliar with his species. "Might I ask what one of your kind is doing here?"
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby C S » Fri Aug 05, 2011 8:06 pm

"I could ask you the same question" Was the Ascatian's response, recognizing the two Cephians as being part of some form of military command. "Why are two Cephian vessels, one military by the looks of things, in a sector sanctioned by the High Ascatian Council for exploration?" He asked as E-doch headed deeper into the system.
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby dinoman666 » Fri Aug 05, 2011 8:14 pm

"Sanctioned for exploration? This slimehole?" Selk whispered. Bate quickly shushed him and spoke up. "We are here on military business, tracking down a... criminal. We are working alongside a bounty hunter to find and exterminate the criminal for acts of treason and theft of war materiel belonging to the Cephian Primacy."
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby C S » Fri Aug 05, 2011 8:55 pm

"Bounty hunter? You will find that they are usually no better than those they pursue, Cephian" Galaak replied, wondering just how this "criminal" managed to evade the Cephian authority long enough to make it to this galactic sector, with such high priority goods no less. Something didn't add up here. If the Cephian target really was that skilled, why would they travel without masking or disguising their energy signature? Why did they use a Cephian ship instead of switching over to another craft to throw off the trail? Still hiding the fact he suspected a fraud here, Galaak said "Well in that case, I will get back to my mission. Lots of exploring to do...hmm. There seems to be advanced life forms in this system...relative to its sector, that is", disguising his motive to investigate himself...
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby dinoman666 » Fri Aug 05, 2011 9:01 pm

Bate ignored Galaak's remark and replied, "With all due respect, Ascatian, we know what we're doing. We will not hinder your mission so long as you do not hinder ours, explorer. I hope you understand, but this is Cephian business, no one else's..." He nodded to Selk, who quickly departed towards the armory of their ship to inform Zakai of what was going on...
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby C S » Fri Aug 05, 2011 9:16 pm

"Understood" Galaak replied before ending the conversation, the projection of the captains disappearing from view. What the Cephian last said perplexed him, however. While he was almost certain he was being lied to, he really had no means to interfere in the matter. Doing so could implicate the Ascatian empire as a whole and, if a trespass is taken as a great enough offense, can lead to war among the two races. "Gather your facts before making judgements, Taalrik. The great city of Gou'lioz was not built based on a hunch" He thought as he adjusted his heading, planet Earth looming ever closer with each passing second...
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby dinoman666 » Fri Aug 05, 2011 9:23 pm

Bate sighed as the connection was terminated, turning his full attention to finding a hidden landing spot near the crash site on the planet, which was dangerously close to what appeared to be a population center...
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby Hopeflower » Fri Aug 05, 2011 9:38 pm

In the extensive basement of a seemingly ordinary hospital, Lydia was working. When her regular hours were through, it was here she came to begin the second half of her work day. She snapped on a clean pair of gloves, pushed her goggles up the bridge of her nose, and walked with a quick and confident stride to a door at the end of the hall. Before entering she smoothed her white coat; then took the handle of the door and turned it, letting herself in. One of the men bent over bubbling solutions in beakers turned and smiled at her. "Ah, Lydia. You're just in time. Come, come! Don't be shy, go right in. He's lasted an hour longer than the others."

"A full hour?" Lydia questioned, feeling her excitement bubble up. Perhaps their solution was working at last...or maybe, he was just stronger than the others. The other scientist nodded vigorously. "yes! It's remarkable. He's in quite a bit of pain though, poor guy. A shame we can't give them morphine."

Lydia replied as she pulled on her mask, "you know what happened when we tried." Her coworker nodded again and bent over the beakers again. "Yes," he said. "That was quite....interesting. It seems they must fight out the change on their own, at least for now." Lydia left him to his work and made her way through the door on the other side of the room, down a short hall, and through yet another door.

The sounds reached her first. A mixture of screams, groans, and in some cases, weak, gurgling half-growls. All were let out in a state of complete agony. Lydia made her way past a few almost jail cell-like rooms before stopping in front of one. She peered through the bars at the man huddled on a small cot at the back of the room. He was shirtless, giving her a clear view of his back; his shoulders were beginning to distort, and it looked as if there were something growing under his skin. He was the one who had lasted longer than the others; just yesterday, like them, he'd begun vomiting blood.

"Hello, Dean," the brunette woman said. She expected no reaction and got none. She fished in her pocket, pulling out a small handheld recorder. She pressed the record button and began to speak. "Day nine; subject D34N's body is showing signs both of accepting the new genes and rejecting them. Yesterday he reportedly vomited blood and began to bleed from his eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and strangely, his shoulders. However, the bleeding did not last long, and thus far it seems his lungs are not affected. It looks as if with each day, there is a greater chance he might survive this experiment." She paused as Dean coughed, gagged, and retched feebly. "But we mustn't get too optimistic, given our success rate." She paused again, turning to the cell opposite Dean's. "Subject V10L3T has shown no signs of change; and no improvement either." A small whimper from the cell made her pause yet again; Violet grasped the bars on the door weakly, looking as if she'd collapse if she didn't have something to hold on to.

"Please," she whispered in a small, broken voice. "Just kill me; I can feel it, eating my insides. It's killing me!" Her voice rose hysterically. "Killing me! You've killed me, Lydia! Why won't you let me die? I thought we were friends! I thought - I - " She started coughing suddenly, violently, small drops of blood hitting Lydia's face. She was gasping for air, eyes very wide, face very pale. Lydia did nothing except raise the recorder and report, "Subject V10L3T's condition is deteriorating. Unless a miracle happens, it is unlikely that she will survive the testing. Perhaps this genetic combination is a failure." Lydia stopped the recording before Violet started to scream.
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby C S » Fri Aug 05, 2011 9:55 pm

As E-doch neared atmospheric entry, Galaak shut off the boosters, which belched one last puff of blue-green flames before becoming inactive. "Activate heat shields and light filter" Galaak commanded, his view screen taking on a dark purple tint there after. Thin white streaks formed over the ship's crescent "wings" as it bore through the upper atmosphere, the very tips starting to take on a yellow glow as the heat of descent increased...
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