Alien vs. Predator E-war

Where good and bad RPGs and E-wars go to die.

Postby Iceking » Mon Sep 03, 2007 6:17 pm

giant crest was watching her kin when a runner that had been sent out to keep watch dashed back in and hissed:"my queen, i spotted several other xenomorphs heading towards our hive. they aren't from this hive." giant crest growled to the runner:"it seems that we now have a rival that wants us dead." at the queen's signal, thousands of her own warriors approached her and learned that they now needed to kill xenomorphs from a rival hive. the warriors nodded and began following the runner who spotted the rivals.
Last edited by Iceking on Mon Sep 03, 2007 10:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Anaclagon » Mon Sep 03, 2007 6:25 pm

The Pred Alien units stopped moving... they began to fan out... looking like a giant black wave... they were attempting to block all the exits surrounding the hive... then when they did they would rush in killing everything in their path. The Ravengers loved this most of all.... to kill was their job...The Aliens then roared preparing to move in...

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Postby Iceking » Mon Sep 03, 2007 6:29 pm

giant crest rose to her feet upon hering the rival predaliens roar. she was going to kill many and leave a few to find out where the rival queen might be. giant crest ran in the direction of the closest roars and ran into several predaliens, knocking them over and she stabbed them in the heads with her tail blade, killing them. at this point, giant crest's warriors began to attack the enemies and it was clear that gitan crest's warriors had a better advantage now that their queen was in the battle.
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Postby Anaclagon » Mon Sep 03, 2007 6:35 pm

The rival xenomorphs fought began and even though the queen was in the battle... the Ravengers charged in... easily taking down multiple xenomorphs with their large sickle bladed hands... chopping of limbs and heads of their enemies. the rival xenomorphs fought savagely, using their inner mouths to kill their enemies and swung their claws all over.... they would not give up until death... as long as it was good for their species or hive... the xenomorphs will never question a order

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Postby Iceking » Mon Sep 03, 2007 6:45 pm

giant crest was driven into a rage when she saw rival ravagers kill some of her kin. Giant crest's ravagers appeared and began hacking off the heads of the rival ravagers and the rival predaliens. after an hour had passed, many of the rival predaliens were either dead or dying. giant crest placed her foot on the neck of a rival predalien and hissed:"where is your queen?" the terrified predalien hissed:"f...five miles away from your hive. she found out about your hive when she had a runner from her hive watch you move into this hive." giant crest hissed to the rival:"thank you for telling me this. now, go to your queen and tell her that i want to fight her. one on one. a fight to the death. the winner will take over the otehrs hive." the rival predalien nodded and once giant crest lifted her foot off its neck, the rival fled. when the rival predalien arrived back at its hive, it hissed to the predalien queen:"my queen! the rival queen wants to battle you to the death!"
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Postby Anaclagon » Mon Sep 03, 2007 6:52 pm

The Pred Queen killed the messenger...she was annoyed and frustrated. She was powerful and killed anything she wanted but she has been feeling angry the past few days... She had failed multiple assaults on a Predator Mothership... these... military predators decimated her forces time and time again... she was now being called out to fight another queen for survival. She detached herself from her eggsack and ordered any eggs to be destroyed and also told if she were to die seek another queen... she refused to let her enemy win...The unique xenomorph then set out... preparing for battle.

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Postby Iceking » Mon Sep 03, 2007 7:01 pm

giant crest was waiting for the rival queen to appear. giant crest had told her kin what she was going to do. although many didn't like the thought of their queen being killed by a rival queen, they couldn't stop their queen as she was the leader, after 2 hours, giant crest spotted another exno queen, this one with the mandibles of a predator. giant crest hissed to the rival queen:"so you have finally come."
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Postby Anaclagon » Mon Sep 03, 2007 7:05 pm

The Pred Alien queen roared, her mandiables spreading out like a Predator. "Thinking I was a coward...Then your wrong..." The giant hybrid took a stepfoward and her tail rose above her head... the tip pointing at the rival queen like a scorpion.... she was ready...

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Postby Iceking » Mon Sep 03, 2007 7:11 pm

giant crest raised her tail as well and the two queens began to circle each other, waiting for the chance to strike. giant crest snarled at her opponent:"you think that just because you are a queen that you are invincible? you are wrong about that." the two queens were now getting closer and closer to attacking each other. giant crest's kin watched and waited to see the who the winner of the fight would be.
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Postby Anaclagon » Mon Sep 03, 2007 7:22 pm

The hybird then charged foward ramming her into the ground with her body. THe hyrid then pinnined her tail down using her own tail and grabed on to her arms as she bit at her neck...her teeth plus the predator like mandiables.

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Postby Iceking » Mon Sep 03, 2007 7:26 pm

giant crest used the parts of her tail that could move to stab the rivel queen in the right leg. as the rival quee looked back at the wound on its leg, giant crest used her inner jaw and put a hole in the crest of the rival queen. the non hybrid queen then used her inner jaw on her opponents chest, inflicting a wound that wasn't fatal, but it would still hurt. the rival queen's tail stopped pining giantt crests tail, allowing the normal queen to be able to move her tail freely again.
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Postby Anaclagon » Mon Sep 03, 2007 7:38 pm

The hybrid then slashed her rival across the face with her claws and then smashed her tail into her rival. She roared loudly before bitting her shoulders and allowed her inner mouth to finish it... with a powerful bite right into the shoulder.

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Postby C S » Mon Sep 03, 2007 7:40 pm

Prime roared as he with 20 warriors pounced onto the enemies. He slaughter many. He spun, his tail slicing off 10 of the enemy's heads. He used their acidic blood to mark the Xenomorphs helping him. "We will show this enemy that she will regret this.! THIS IS OURS!" He roared, the warriors he was with spat on a large group of the enemies.
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Postby Iceking » Mon Sep 03, 2007 7:40 pm

giant crest became angry once her rival injured her shoulder. the normal exno queen's inner jaw was close to the wounded side of the predalien queen. giant crest's inner jaw pierced the wound again, making it larger and worse. this caused the rival queen to let go and it was hit by the normal queen's tail. giant crest's tail blade then put another hole in the rival's crest. it seemed now that the two queens were evenly matched.
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Postby C S » Mon Sep 03, 2007 7:55 pm

Prime watched his queen battle. He rushed to her side, instructing the Xenomorphs he was with jump on the rival queen. They slammed their inner jaws into it, some sitting acid. Prime slashed the queen.
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Postby Iceking » Mon Sep 03, 2007 8:06 pm

giant crest watched as prime and several others of her kin attacked the rival queen. giant crest took this time to slash her rival 5 times across the face. she then used her inner jaw on the predalien queen's stomach again, inflicting aother wound that would be vunerable to further attacks.
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Postby C S » Mon Sep 03, 2007 8:10 pm

One of the Xenomorphs, with some help burned a hole wide enough for them to fit through in the rivals right side. They slashed at the hole, making it bigger. They then tunneled into the wound, spitting acid as they went into the rivals body. Prime swung under to the rival's stomach. He slammed his tail blade into the wound and also burrowed into the queen.
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Postby Iceking » Mon Sep 03, 2007 8:11 pm

giant crest watched as some of her kin burrowed into the rival queen. the rival queen was roaring with pain as the warrior exnos began to burrow into her. giant crest took this time to use her inner jaw on her rivals crest again. then, she stabbed the predalien queen's tail with her own.
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Postby C S » Mon Sep 03, 2007 8:17 pm

Prime burrowed into the chest cavity of the queen. He spat on her heart, slamming his inner jaws into it and out of the other side. He rival queen made one last roar of pain before falling onto her left side. She balanced it's upper body on her left arm, in her last seconds of life, 1 Xenomorph burst out of her back, another out of her rib cage. More Xenomorphs exited through the new openings. By now the queen was still barely alive. 19 Xenomorphs were outside. Prime was missing. "Did he die in the queen?" One hissed. At that moment he burst of her chest like he did when he was born. He held the now dead queen's heart in his claws.
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Postby Iceking » Mon Sep 03, 2007 8:25 pm

giant crest watched as her riavl died when some of her kin burst out of variou parts of its body. giant crest then watched as prime burst out, holding the dead queen's heart. giant crest hissed to her kin:"we have now prevailed in a battle with rivals. this means one less rival to try and attack us." all of the exnomorps then walked back to the hive, ready for some rest now. giant crest hissed to prime:"you were a very good fighter."
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