Zombie Outbreak RPG

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Zombie Outbreak RPG

Postby TyrannoTitan » Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:20 pm

You are a survivor of a zombie apocalypse. Why are there zombies? No one alive knows. Do you care? No, you don't. Many of the survivors have pondered the origin of their undead brethren, but finding evidence of their creation is an impossibility to most. The outbreak forces the survivors to their limits, focusing on survival and self preservation, rather then finding answers. It has been a year since what you think is the first victim of this undead plague...not all zombies you have seen are the same...the shuffling, brainless creatures that cluster seemingly everywhere have mutated to create new kinds of zombies...survival just got a lot harder.

Human Template:

Appearance(Includes general appearance as well as clothing):
Unique Talents(As in, using a profession they had in the past, such as a doctor, to be able to treat injuries, of have better accuracy using a weapon by being a former police officer):

Zombie Template:

Species(Seeing as they are mutated strains of the outbreak, the controlled zombies do not need definite "names", and would instead by described by their species, which is most likely 100% unique):
Unique Traits(Such as increased strength, speed, insane jumping ability, regeneration, etc):

Templates for Copy Pasting:

Unique Talents:

Unique Traits:

1) NO power playing (Example: Having a zombie character who is impossible to fight and win against, having a human character that somehow can shoot and treat injuries without a problem, etc)
2) NO killing of another players' character, zombie or otherwise, without their permission.
3) NO single sentence posts (Unless its responding to another person in a conversation) or OOC only posts.
4) NONE of the human characters must be living, know of, or work in a gun shop, and such shops will NOT be every other store in a city. At the same time, no human character will have something like an M4 assault rifle or any equivalent. They are normal people, not tactical marines.
5) NO Human or Zombie character will be a "I KILL EVERYTHING" character, meaning they can't go around saying they are/have killing/killed hundreds of zombies/humans.
6) Survival in the city must not seem like walking in a park. Going outside would be extremely dangerous, just with the shuffling zombies around. Players will not be allowed to leave the city until/if the RPG progresses forward for some time.
7) NO ONE controls the "Horde", as in the shuffling zombies that dot the streets. This does not mean they sit around doing nothing, and players should NOT "kill them with ease". If a zombie character wants to manipulate the shuffling zombies in an area into attacking a survivor building, they can send a couch crashing through the wall/window. The shuffling zombies would see/hear/smell the survivors, and would rush in automatically.

Note on Infection: While shuffling zombies an "infect" others via biting them, character zombies CAN NOT infect in ANY WAY unless it is specified in their profile, such as a spike or stinger. My default, they can't infect humans.

Note on Player Zombies: Just to be PERFECTLY CLEAR, ALL player zombies are 100% unique, meaning that only one is in existence unless specified otherwise in the profile. Species just describes their mutated state, having a "name" just doesn't fit a zombie. If you want to make a zombie of the same kind as another player, you must get permission from them. Rip offs of other players' characters will not be tolerated.
Last edited by TyrannoTitan on Thu Apr 23, 2009 9:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Postby C S » Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:48 pm

Name: Alec Seiderman
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Appearance: Has a blue long sleeved T shirt that's covered by a black leather short sleeve jacket. Has worn and torn blue jeans and black and blue sneakers
Unique Talents: He has superb marksman skills, aswell as novice medical knowledge
History: As a boy, Alec took archery at summer camp, as well as wilderness survival, which included how to treat minor wounds and clean infections. He went to this camp every summer until he was 12, from there, he joined his middle school basket ball team and improved his physique. This progressed into high school and finally college. Two years later, the zombie out break ocurred. Alec managed to get a .30 caliber pistol from a fallen police officer and a few magazines for it, but he preffers to keep it for dire situations..

The sun was going down and the chilling breeze blew through the almost deserted street. Windows, doors and even chunks of wooden houses have been destroyed. The display windows for stores had been broken out and the stores them selves used as a nest for a strange strain of zombies that have bony spike like petrusions on their shoulders and knuckles, and they seem to be nocturnal. Across the street from the store was a relativly small school, red bricks with a white arch over the main entrance. For some reason, the zombies seemed to avoid said school. Alec took advantage of the strange behavior and barricaded himself in the school, changing the rooms where where he slept daily, incase a zombie did venture into the building. From there, Alec knew, a flood would follow if he was found..
Last edited by C S on Fri Jun 05, 2009 8:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Iceking » Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:54 pm

Name:Robert smith
Apperance:Almond color eyes, brown hair, wears a black shirt, blue jeans, and red shoes.
Unique talents:Has great medical knowledge, having formerly been a doctor and moderate skill with a fire arm.
History:Ever since he was 10, Robert wanted to be a doctor, being fascinated with how the body functions the way it does and wanting to help people directly with his actions. Once he graduated from High school and entered medical school. A month after he took up his job, the zombie outbreak occured he has since then been on his own, armed only with a handgun that he bought the year before the nightmare began...

Species:Gorilla zombie
Apperance:Similair to this:[img]http://deadspace.wikia.com/wiki/Image:Brute_comcept.jpg. However, it has a lower jaw and the two tentacles are located near where the lower jaw meets the upper jaw. The Bony plates on the shoulders are smaller and the creature is slightly larger than a normal gorilla. The boney plates on the fists and hind legs are also smaller with the plates on the arms not being there, going to where the hands and feet are connected to their respective limbs. The gut is also slimmer and it looked like similair to the gut of a normal gorrila. The beast also lacks the smaller limb seen within the picture
Powers:Great physical strength, Strong enough to flip over a small car using both hands, bony plates on the front and the feet offer protection from light arms fire, although the back lacks armor, teeth in jaws, can use tentacles to a small extent(Serving as feelers in the dark and are capable of constricting around a human's neck).
History:Formerly a gorilla within a new york zoo, this creature was infected when the zombie out break began and has mutated into a monster of it's former self. It is among the many zombie animals that now roam through the streets of the city that is now plauged with these monsters.[/img]

Within a hospital, a man was up on the 3rd floor of the building, moving towards the end of the hallway he was in. Though he hadn't been attacked by anything since he had made his way here, the silence made him nervous to the slightest sound he heard other than his own footfalls. Robert looked out of the window and noticed that the sun was setting, causing him to realize he would need to find a seculded area to sleep and soon...
Last edited by Iceking on Wed Apr 22, 2009 10:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Raptor Llama » Wed Apr 22, 2009 12:18 am

(OOC: This guy's pulled right out of my short story.)

Name: Taban Randy
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Appearance: Dirty blond hair, brown eyes, pale skin, usually wears black clothing, no beard
Unique Talents: N/A
History: Lived in New York, in a small suburbia area located in a forest area. The town was entirely overtaken, but strictly quarantined. One day his friend was infected, so the rest of his group made a break for it and left. They found a military base, but soon enough the hordes overtook there as well. He was separated from his team after that, and now he ended up barricaded in New York City. He used to have quite a stash of weapons at his old outpost in his homeland, but now his arsenal is limited to a police glock with around 500 rounds, and a crowbar.

Taban ran out of the building. He looked at his watch. 7:20. Dammit, he thought. The sun will be down soon. He had to get out to the barricade in time. He calculated it would be about a 20 minute walk. He started the long trek through the abandon streets. His loot today was fairly basic. Some food, a shotgun shell (which was fairly useless, considering he didn't have a shotgun) and a few nails. But today's highlight was stupidity on the zombie's part. One of the ******** saw him from a skyscraper and jumped for him. It fell, and apparently falling for decaying flesh isn't quite a good idea, because its faced sort of caved in. It was squirming a bit, nothing a crowbar to the skull couldn't fix. But then he saw another one from the window start to go down. Were they learning from mistakes? He didn't know. He just kept walking after that.
So, now he was about 15 minutes from outpost. No zombies on the streets he saw yet, though very quickly that would change...
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Wed Apr 22, 2009 12:43 am

OOC: ...First, why the f*ck would a shotgun shell be laying in the street, or around anywhere he could get to? These are NORMAL PEOPLE, not everyone has a damn gun. Second, this isn't I Am Legend, the zombies are just as active during the day then they are at night. Almost ALL of New York's population has been zombified, it would be nearly impossible to find an "empty" street. Plus, zombies are just as frequent in buildings as they are in the streets. Its not like he can walk out and see only ONE zombie.

Name: Charles Mograine
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Appearance: Blue eyes, black, short hair, moderately tall, wears tattered blue jeans, a flannel button shirt, and old sneakers.
Unique Talents: Has some medical knowledge, having been training for medical school when the outbreak occurred.
History: A normal 20-year-old, Charles has only been out on his own for 3 years, having moved out at the age of 19 to go to medical school. After attending the school for 3 years, Charles was on vacation when the outbreak began, and did not return to the college since, for obvious reasons...

Charles awoke with a snort, glancing around wildly, obviously frightened. Remembering his trek to the abandoned school, he relaxed slightly, having fallen asleep in a broom closet, thinking it was the safest place within the complex. Charles stood with a groan, his body aching, having ran for dear life the night before to reach the school, dislodging the stool from in front of the door...

Postby C S » Wed Apr 22, 2009 12:52 am

Foot steps could be heard from outside. A yawn could be heard as Alec approached the door, wanting to use the closet as his next bedroom, then the door knob twisted.

"Oh my g-!" Alec yelled before slamming his hands onto his mouth, stifling the rest of the statement. "Jesus! Jesus!" He rasped. He thought a zombie had gotten into the school, he couldn't see that well in the darkening halls. He drew his gun from his back pocket for he had no alternative, backing up away from the closet. He didnt want to shoot, the sound would surely bring more zombies
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Wed Apr 22, 2009 12:55 am

"What the h-" Charles began, opening the door to find himself staring at the barrel of a handgun. He immediately screamed, the sound somewhat stifled, as he stumbled back into the closet, crashing into the dusty equipment that the closet held, eventually falling to the ground, tangled in the various janitorial equipment...

Postby C S » Wed Apr 22, 2009 1:01 am

"No No!" Alec gasped. He put the gun back in his back pocket before walking back to the closet. It wasnt a zombie, thats for sure. Alec slumped over, bracing an arm on the door and out strectched an arm. What he wanted to know was how the fellow survivor got in, he couldnt have used the main entrance, Alec blocked it off with desks and a cylindrical metal beam to act like a latch, and the windows on the first floor were barly big enough for a human to get in..
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Wed Apr 22, 2009 1:08 am

Charles looked at the man, and then looked at his outstretched arm, as if trying to silently reveal a trap. After a few moments of silence, Charles grasped the man's hand, hoisting himself to his feet. "Uhh...sorry about the scare...thought I was alone here." he said after he straightened himself, still staring warily at the newcomer. "Whats that smell?" Charles commented, his face showing some disgust at the strong odor...

Postby C S » Wed Apr 22, 2009 1:12 am

Alec quickly changed the coarse of the conversation, asking his own questions..., though he did see a half eaten cheese burger and a strange slaw like substance in a knocked over waste bin

"How did you get in here!?" Alec asked. "I also thought I was alone, small...zombie infested world, huh?"
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Wed Apr 22, 2009 1:21 am

"Ha, I guess so." Charles said, laughing somewhat nervously. "I actually threw myself into this damaged vent...I think it was for the heating ducts or something. I just remember leaping into the vent to get away from the zombies...then I remember my head hurting, sitting in the middle of the hall." he explained, gesturing to the hallway they were standing in.

Postby Raptor Llama » Wed Apr 22, 2009 1:21 am

(My friend has a shotgun. Some people need robber protection. Some people are paranoid. And I was going by most zombie fiction, where zombies on somewhat active during the day, and super active during the night. swarms at night, and a few during the day. This occurs in many zombie games, movies, etc. But if this one has it different, fine. Also, try seeing a horde through one window. There could have been others there, but he only mentioned the one window.)

Taban turned the next corner. Oh, dammit, he thought. There was a whole mob of them. More in one spot then he'd ever seen. It was like an ocean of zombies, taking up the block, and around the area. That explained the absence of the few other areas. He opened a door by the side. There was a few there, shufflers. He decided he had to risk it. He sprinted toward the staircase, running as fast as he could. Then one of the shufflers broke into a sprint. He grabbed his crowbar and hit hard and the creature's head. It wasn't dead, but it bought him enough time to escape up the stairwell and go farther. He would have to come out at the other side. This was a problematic situation. Zombies were probably all around the building. He might have to make a temporary barricade there for the night.
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Postby C S » Wed Apr 22, 2009 1:24 am

"Ah..." Alec said, looking where the man gestured. "I've been sticking around the top floors, trying to keep tabs on the hive across the street.." He stammered. "Oh, damn, I point my gun at you and dont even say sorry..my name's Alec by the way, sorry about sacring the life outa you"
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Wed Apr 22, 2009 1:31 am

OOC: Yes, I know many people who have weapons for protection. They also keep said weapons locked in cases, or hidden. Sure, they store the weapons in safe places, but I guess they throw the ammo into the street, just incase a zombie apocalypse occurs. And I can name about 10 zombie media items that have zombies just as active during the day as they are at night. Furthermore, the way you posted made it sound like your dude traveled through the streets EVERY DAY, finding randomly placed food, ammo, a few rocket launchers, then had tea with grandma before going home. You apparently don't understand the words "zombie" and "apocalypse"...

"Its ok...I would've done the same, considering whats going on outside. The names Charles." Charles said, introducing himself. He glanced around the hallway, finally taking note of his surroundings, having been too frightened the night before to know exactly where he was...

Postby C S » Wed Apr 22, 2009 1:39 am

"Good to meet you Charles. Another friendly face is something you need when bags of flesh are stumbling about.." Alec straightened up before saying "I should probablly get ready for bed-er....night school" Alec said, trying to find humor. For the months he'd been in solitude, Alec needed another person around, even if it was a complete stranger
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Postby Raptor Llama » Wed Apr 22, 2009 1:49 am

(I never said he found it in the street. It's called looting. Not everyday, just when he needs it. Food stuff doesn't last forever. You've got to stock up on supplies regularly, or else you'll be out of supplies, which means you'll starve, and ultimately die. Unless you're in a military base, you've probably only got enough food for about a month. Looting is essential in a zombie apocalypse. Unless you're a farmer, you're going to have to get food.)

Taban walked down the hallway. There was probably a door somewhere, somewhere that could lead him out. There had to be. And if there wasn't, they wouldn't be able to get to him. He went to the next hallway. Several shufflers were walking around. He grabbed his crowbar, and waited. One came a bit close, so he hit it hard in its head. Then, he hit it again. Then again. The other ones were approaching. He grasped his crowbar, and has ready to beat them. One approached, and he slammed it hard into his head,so hard it hit the other one. He had mastered the art of the crowbar, learned the technique best for hitting zombies. When they all fell, he walked forward, and saw an open door...
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Wed Apr 22, 2009 1:57 am

OOC: No sh*t sherlock, but as I said, not every five feet is a gun store. I can't even name a hunting or firearm store in my area, or at all for that matter. They are NOT frequent. And what else store would have shotgun shells? McDonalds? I don't think so. And once again, you made it sound like he just strolls through the streets, loots sh*t, then goes home without a problem. I mentioned in the FIRST POST that normal zombies were very much a threat, and you apparently ignored that.

"Go ahead, I guess. I'm probably going to stick around here, if you don't mind...only safe place for miles, or so it seems. I've been...unconscious...for quite some time, so I'll stay up and keep watch." Charles responded, turning back to Alec. In truth, he wasn't the least bit tired...and seeing as Alec was the first survivor he had seen in weeks, they had a better chance of survival if they worked together...

Postby C S » Wed Apr 22, 2009 2:00 am

"Suit your self" Alec said, walking out of the door way, looking for another room where he could barricade himself in for the night..
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Postby Iceking » Wed Apr 22, 2009 2:15 am

Robert stopped walking for a momment to listen to his surroundings, being cautious in case a zombie might be following him or was up ahead. He heard no sounds other than his own breathing, but the silence he had been hearing since he had set foot in the hospital was making him expect a zombie to attack him at any momment. The man muttered quietly to himself:"So far so good, I haven't been attacked by one of them." With this, he continued on, wanting to find a safe place before the sun completley set...
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Wed Apr 22, 2009 2:31 am

Charles half nodded to Alec as he left, walking after him for the moment, observing his surroundings once more. The hive Alec spoke of unnerved him...nocturnal zombies...although he didn't get a good look at it, it must've been one of them that chased him to the school the night before. The very idea of nocturnal zombies chilled him...normally, from what he experienced, normal zombies suffered from vision impairment at night, just as any human would, but their strong sense of smell enabled them to have an advantage. Nocturnal zombies would be even more specialized at night...it was a truly frightening thought...


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