Chaos Point. Gladiator E-War

Where good and bad RPGs and E-wars go to die.

Postby C S » Thu Apr 09, 2009 4:15 pm

Walking down the streets at a leisurly speed, he glanced about the sights. Stores, buidlings, sometimes hovering vehicles would zip across the clear, almost fiberglass like roads. The sun was now at high noon. When Oblivion turned his head, he saw and incredible glare. Hissing, he looked down, put a hand over his eyes and looked up again. He saw a strange figure in the distance. A being that Oblivion to be made of some sort of rock or mineral; even diamond was a possibillity but Oblivion quickly ruled that out..
Last edited by C S on Wed Jun 17, 2009 3:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sun May 03, 2009 8:31 pm

Nightmare moved on, back toward the arena. At least, if anything, he could amuse himself with yet another fool who he was forced to fight, not really finding anything of interest in the forsaken world. The bulky crystal being neared the arena, hearing various cheers, yells, metal clashing, and other sounds radiating from it...

Postby C S » Wed Jun 17, 2009 4:00 am

Some time later, Oblivion was back at the collosium, the sound of clanking metal could be heard as the black armored dungeon guards approached the alien warrior who was sitting on a wooden crate near a pile of hay. The two guards pointed at him, one saying "You, report to the battle field" Oblivion gave them a hard stare before getting up, swinging his hands over his shoulders and onto the hilts of his blades, drawing them a quick metalic scrape. "Who is my challenger?" He asked callously. A guard stepped out of his way, the rattling of chains could be heard as a door was being opened, slowly light began to shine into the dark chamber. The arena was a large sandy open space, unknownst to him, it was rigged with quick sand,pillars and spikes that would jut out of the ground randomly. Directly across from him, another door was being raised.
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sun Jun 21, 2009 8:27 am

Nightmare stepped out from the raised door, arm raised, which was already a diamond-strength blade, pointing the limb at his opponent across the arena...

Postby C S » Sun Jun 21, 2009 3:36 pm

Oblivion snarled "Oh the irony.." When he saw the glare of the sun reflecting off of the diamond like being's arm. Oblivion stepped out into the arena, the crowd cheering as he stared down his combatant..
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sun Jun 21, 2009 7:55 pm

The sun reflecting off the diamond figure suddenly seemed to disappear, his diamond body itself beginning to glow brightly, as if it were a miniature sun, blinding the crowd around him. Arm still pointed at the other combatant, a beam of pure solar energy shot toward it, leaving scorch marks across the ground as it traveled...

Postby C S » Sun Jun 21, 2009 8:57 pm

A puff of flame engulfed Oblivion for a few seconds before the Xordian gladiator was seen soaring upwards, flames licking his armor while from his feet spiralling plumes of orange and red fire propelled him into the air. When the blast below dessipated, Oblivion ceased his ascent, rising upwards for a few seconds before falling back towards the ground. During this time, Oblivion drew his swords and flicked the latch on their hilts. When he landed, he swung his blades at the ground, beating up sand around him, using the dust cloud that ensued to cover his form until he can seize the right moment to charge into striking distance
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sun Jun 21, 2009 9:01 pm

Nightmare absorbed more sunlight, the bright sun above playing well in his favor. Arm sweeping across the area shrouded by the dust, another, somewhat weaker beam of light followed the motion, attempting to hit his enemy without actually needing to see him...

Postby C S » Sun Jun 21, 2009 9:12 pm

Oblivion lept back into the air in a spiralling motion, arms out stretched. The blades on the swords flew out with the rattling of chains, flames trailing after the fire coated metal which ensued to shower over the battle feild. Oblivion didnt know what he could do that could be effective at all against diamond, so he assumed the only way to beat his opponet would be to trap him and call it a day. If the audiance wanted him to kill Nightmare, he'd simply ask them how they thought he should go about the task..
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Sun Jun 21, 2009 10:37 pm

Nightmare's body absorbed the heat of the attacks, further increasing the power of his attack, raising his arm to point at his attacker, another beam of light and heat exploding out, slamming into his still airborne opponent, causing him to crash into the back of the arena...

Postby C S » Sun Jun 21, 2009 11:59 pm

Oblivion grunted in pain from the impact, the blow its self not causing too much damage, since fire was his element, heat wasn't a weakness. Oblivion forced his limbs out of the imprint left in the arena walls, cracks spreading out from it before he fell back onto the sandy ground. Staggering foward shortly, Oblivion regained his composure and charged towards Nightmare, jumping into the air once more in a spiral, his swords dragging across the ground and kicking sand into the air in large amounts. For a second, Oblivion almost looked like a tornado in the middle of the arena before a flash of red light shone out through the sand cloud, the sand becomming jagged lumps of glass shortly after. Landing on the ground again, Oblivion slammed a chain blade into the ground, the sword glancing off a peice of glass and when it flew back onto it's hilt, it knocked the glass into the air, Oblivion spinning about at slamming his other blade into the shard, sending it at Nightmare once more. He had to find an obstacle that was part of the arena, like the sink hole of his first battle, but all he could see now was sand...
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Mon Jun 22, 2009 12:01 am

The glass shattered harmlessly against Nightmare's chest, who looked up, disappointed, at his opponent. Raising both arms, he placed them side by side, focusing the sunlight shining down on him immediately through his bladed limbs, causing another beam of light to crash into his opponent's chest, slamming him into a sand-covered rock...

Postby C S » Mon Jun 22, 2009 12:13 am

The ground trembled as a massive rock pillar broke out from the ground, Oblivion slammed onto it and slid across the hexagonal column of rock. Groaning, he got to his feet, the pillar sinking back into the ground as another rose up not too far from the first one. Oblivion lept onto the pillar as yet another broke the surface, thrusting Nightmare into the air. These two pillars would stay fixed for the rest of the battle, while the sand sifted away, revealing jagged spikes that were buried and hidden from view. Soon after, the spikes too jutted foward, making a fall fatal
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Mon Jun 22, 2009 12:49 am

Nightmare laughed, the sudden change actually working in his favor. Arms still pressed together, the diamond humanoid unleashed another solar beam, which cut into the pillar his opponent was standing on like a knife through butter...

Postby C S » Mon Jun 22, 2009 3:14 am

Oblivion crouched down after the beam hit his pillar, but after a few seconds, he found the pillar to still be stable. Atleast for now. He ran across the pillar and then lept off, a puff of flame erupting out of his feet and sent him at Nightmare, tackling the diamond like gladiator off his feet before jumping back, landing in a crouch and then back into the air, fire blasting out of his feet again and let the Xordian fighter hover over the spike field below...
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Thu Jul 16, 2009 7:35 pm

Nightmare stabbed his arms into the side of the pillar, enough to anchor him to it, but not damaging enough to destroy the structure. Climbing his way back to the top, he raised his hands in front of him, absorbing the sunlight, while also absorbing the heat given off by his enemy's feet, readying an attack...

Postby C S » Thu Jul 16, 2009 7:55 pm

Seeing the crystalic warrior glow, Oblivion's flaming feet cut out, smoke dispersing from them. While he fell, he drew his swords and flicked the handle on the hilts. He swung the blades at the pillar Nightmare was on, the sharp swords embedding into the rock and allowing the Xordian to pivot off, swinging with enough force to dislodge the weapons and land in a crouch on another pillar that rose up. The damaged pillar trembled and there was a low rumble before it began to lower into the ground, breaking apart in the process..
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Thu Jul 16, 2009 10:25 pm

Nightmare unleashed the attack, a super-heated beam slamming into the Xordian warrior, knocking it clean off the pillar, before leaping off the collapsing structure, another pillar rising up as he jumped, smashing into the crystal being's chest before rising up to its full height, Nightmare grunting in pain...

Postby Godzilla Forever » Wed Jan 13, 2010 3:16 pm

Well, this E-war is quite interesting to me, so I'll join, despite it being dead for almost a year. :P

Name/Alias: Ryllan
Gender: male
Species: Kryll Praetorian (mutated)
description: A Kryll bodyguard to the queen, with red markings upon his head to designate his rank, along with large, scythe-like claws.
Dimentions:(scaled down from a real Kryll Praetorian in the GEW/RPGTEW)
Weight: 1500 pounds
Height: 20 feet
Witdh: 5 feet
Length: 15 feet
State of mind: Brutal and heartless. Tends to go into blood frenzies.
Equipment: His massive, scythe-like claws, his mandibles, and his thick Carapace that protects him from harm.
Powers and Fighting style: Can spit acid strong enough to melt through nearly anything that is put against him. His fighting style involves hopping towards his opponents in feint attacks, then catches them off guard with a spray of acid spit. He then finishes them off with his claws/mandibles.
The Kryll Praetorian patiently waits for his turn to enter the arena, his mandibles salivating at the thought of blood, waiting for the current bout to be finished.............
"If none can know what lies ahead, then losing one's way is just human nature."~ Yoshimitsu

"Would you hear my desire? To take this foul blade, and use it to blot out the light forever!" ~ Ganondorf
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Re: Chaos Point. Gladiator E-War

Postby slashmaster101 » Sun Sep 11, 2011 3:32 pm

Name/Alias: Aeon

Gender: Male

Species: Lizard man

description: ... 9,r:11,s:0.

Weight: 500 pounds

Height: 10 feet tall

Length: 20 feet long

State of mind: calm when not in battle but other wise he is nuts.

Equipment:Single-handed Ax and Aspis Shield, loose iron plating covers his more vulnerable areas where his scales provide natural protection.

Powers and Fighting style: he is a berserker in battle not feeling pain until his opponent is down.
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