The Fantasy RPG

Where good and bad RPGs and E-wars go to die.

Postby TyrannoTitan » Sun Aug 02, 2009 8:22 pm

Out on the barren plains, a large elk-like beast grazed along the tall grass, slowly drifting from its herd, unnoticed. A short distance away, a large figure slowly rose from the tall grass, still crouched, slowly raising an equally large bow, aiming at the herbivore as it ate. Releasing the weapon, an arrow sunk into the beast's neck, causing it to stumble back in shock, grass falling from its mouth before fell to the ground, dead. The rest of the herd, even at some distance away, immediately ran off opposite to their fallen brethren, while two more shapes appeared out of the grass behind the first.

"Such a coward's can someone stand not being able to see the fear in their eyes before they die?" one of them growled, folding its arms. "These beasts are not our enemies, Garm. We owe at least our respect for their sacrifice." the second figure replied, moving closer to the kill, along with the first of them, who still carried the bow. Garm snorted in response, turning back from where they came, as the carcass was dragged back into the tall grass. The last of the burly creatures stopped, holding up a hand to silence Garm and the hunter, turning back around as he stared at the grass.

Around them, the grass moved, clearing a path for whatever was moving through it, multiple moving spots signaling the approach, low gurgles and hisses resonating toward them. Saurfang immediately lifted his axe from the harness on his back, readying the weapon just as Garm and the other orc stood beside him, watching as a small, amphibious creature came into since, gurgling loudly while flailing a rusted short sword at the orcs, alerting its fellows...

Postby C S » Sun Aug 02, 2009 9:28 pm

The clicking sound of the Death Knight's flaming skeletal steed, who's fiery mane was extinguished almost immediatly as it drew near a figure outside of a burning town, flames and smoke bellowed into the sky as a chilling breeze blew over the site. Gallant dropped down from his steed and drew his sword as he kneeled before the Witch King, sticking the blade into the ground and resting his head against the blade. "Your servant has come for your orders, my master" he growled in a gruff voice..
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Mon Aug 03, 2009 1:57 am

The Witch King sat atop his winged steed, the dragon-like creature crunching loudly on a mangled corpse, grounded for the moment. "With this hovel's destruction, we ride to meet Beliar's, however, will take your death knights elsewhere." the Witch King rasped, the voice chilling even his mount to the bone, though it was used to it. "Meet the others, east of here, and they will fill you in the rest of the way..." he breathed, unleashing a high pitched, ear-shattering shriek, the felbeast lifting into the air immediately, the other Nazgul flying to meet their leader, leaving the burning town behind them...

Postby C S » Mon Aug 03, 2009 2:08 am

"So I shall" Gallant growled as he got back up and sheathed his blade once more. He slammed his hands onto the back of the boney horse and hoisted himself up onto it, grabbing the reigns. The horse neighed as it reared up, flames flaring out of it's nostrils before its mane also ignited, the fire then coating it's feet. Lowering down, the Death Steed turned and ran off in the direction it was directed to head to, it's flaming tail whipping about as it did..
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Mon Aug 03, 2009 5:58 pm

Soon the allies in question came into view, a small band of various demonic beings standing some distance from the burning settlement, watching the destruction calmly. The first being, nearest to Gallant, was riding a similar mount, though its horse seemed to freeze the ground it walked on, lacking the flaming features of Gallant's steed. The being itself was bulky and heavily armored in black plate, the armor decorated with various skulls and dried blood. "Ah, Gallant, you've finally arrived." he growled, his voice confirming that it was indeed an orc-turned-death knight. Next to him, another figure sat mounted, but not on the undead horses the other two rode. This was a gryphon, or was before it had died, lacking any and all tissue or even feathers, yet somehow managed to fly. The skeletal creature's handler was another dark plated death knight, elven in appearance, though its armor was lighter then the other two, allowing for more mobility.

Around them stood a few hunched demons, stone still, awaiting orders, surrounded by the living dead; guardsmen who died during the attack on the settlement, still bearing the wounds that killed them, stumbling around to aid their masters, the hunched demons occasionally raising another zombified soldier from places nearby...

Postby C S » Mon Aug 03, 2009 6:13 pm

Gallant's steed came a stop infront of the other knights, sook it's head and snorted flames. Gallant's flaming eyes befell his allies, nodding to them, before growling in his gruff voice "When do we strike?"
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Mon Aug 03, 2009 6:34 pm

"Soon, brother, but first we must actually reach the location. Lets get moving!" the death knight roared to the demons behind him before turning completely around, trotting off to the front of the small army alongside the elf. Ragnok, the orc death knight, and Vanthryn, the elf death knight, led the troops onward, staying along the darkened woods to move unnoticed, leaving the burning settlement behind...

Postby C S » Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:41 pm

Gallant whipped the riegns, the horse snorting a puff of smoke before trotting after the others, flaming prints left in the ground where it walked that extinguished soon after, leaving a blue icey mist in the air..
Last edited by C S on Sat Oct 10, 2009 7:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Doc 42 » Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:46 pm

The front of the Industrial army powered ahead, leaving their fallen comrades behind, the rest of the army bogged down under the dragon's wrath. The front few sections had managed to escape most of the blows, now in a forward march, the front line taking aim and firing occasionally before falling back, whittling the enemy army away. The troll riders were barely hindered by the green's spikes, the nimble creatures simply vaulting over them and sprinting ahead, ploughing into the elves...

Behind them lay a field of dead men and dragons, behind that, an almost apocalyptic scene of destruction. On the ground, hundreds of injured dragons fought, mostly regulars who had been stripped out of the air by gun fire before being set upon by pikemen. Spells rained down in every imaginable form. Acid, fire, lightning and sand just to name a few, all augmenting the destruction. The spells did not just kill humans. Most of the dragons were fighting alone, ignorant of their allies, just trying to cause as much casualties as possible. Many regulars had been consumed by the reds colossal fire ball and others were struck by the Silver's storm.

It was mostly the royals work, having the most proportionate strength.

One of Rutus's guards was suddenly hit by a trio of ballistae shot as he swooped down, but these were different, chains leading down towards the artillery platform which fired them. suddenly a large anchor popped out from behind the machine, the chains suddenly going taut and dragging it along, the huge anchor ripping through the ground furiously. The dragon was caught off guards and dragged down, crashing into the ground awkwardly, mangling its wing and legs in the impact, numerous soldiers charging towards the fallen monster, flinging spears at it and firing at it with muskets.
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Mon Aug 03, 2009 8:29 pm

The small army moved through the woods, the demons more then glad to avoid the sun, while the undead around them stumbled on as fast as they could, this being a difficult task for those with leg injuries. The forest seemed to stretch on forever, the two lead death knights suddenly turning away from their original path, the army following without question...

Chronos' duplicates, dragons of all ages, dove into the heart of the battle, heading after heavily guarded targets or dangerous areas. One duplicate, a younger Chronos, slammed feet-first into a ballista, smashing the machine into splinters with its sheer weight, spewing aging sand over the Industrialists around it before lifting off yet again, many others following its actions with other targets. Some, after sustaining enough injuries from a variety of attacks, fell from the sky or slumped to the ground, only to gradually disappear from the battlefield, their projections into the current time period not actually being them, but took a great deal of energy from their owners when they fell....

Postby C S » Mon Aug 03, 2009 8:35 pm

Gallant kept pace with the lead knights, carrying on with hell bent focus to the Witch King's order, awaiting the chance to unleash his power..
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Mon Aug 03, 2009 8:59 pm

Soon the forest began to thin, but not in a natural way. Stumps dotted the forests, fallen trees soon joining them, while branches, crushed low-lying plants, were scattered around the ground the army now moved through. Ragnok raised a gauntlet-wearing hand, signaling for the rest of the army to hault immediately. Ahead of them, the sound of mechanical workings became louder and louder, sawing mixed among them, then the crash of falling trees, seemingly repeating itself at an alarming pace. Ragnok urged his mount forward, moving ahead of the others, quickly finding a pair of Industrialists standing on the other side of a tree, a strange device clamped onto the massive foliage, sawing through it at an accelerated rate, as the humans themselves simply stood around casually.

Dismounting, Ragnok stepped forward, armor clanking heavily, though the sound was more then drowned out by the sawing, his massive runed claymore in hand, using the remaining trees as cover while he moved closer...

Postby C S » Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:11 pm

"I assume the target is not too far off?" Gallant rasped to the Death Knight infront of him, anxiously awaiting the attack..
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Mon Aug 03, 2009 11:14 pm

"They are harvesting lumber to fuel their war effort...the fortress is only a short distance from the forest. Destroying it will definitely take a toll on their weapon production...all the better." Vanthryn explained, his mount staring forward with glowing blue eyes...

Just as the Industrialist laborers stood and talked, the runed blade suddenly split half way down the head of the first, stopping at the base of its neck before the mangled body was kicked forward, onto the second, Ragnok stepping out next to the pinned Industrialist, stabbing the blade into its head, silencing its screams...

Postby Doc 42 » Mon Aug 03, 2009 11:32 pm

Some distance away, two workers supervising the cutting of a different tree heard the screams and looked over, moving around the bushes to get a better view and seeing the nightmarish soldiers. One of them screamed loudly and started running, the other lunged for a bell lying in the grass and grabbed a horn, lifting it and blowing into it, the deep groan rumbling through the forest, answered by a second horn coming from deeper into the forest....
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Postby C S » Mon Aug 03, 2009 11:35 pm

"Ah..blood" Gallant growled as he watched the spectacle. "It does my nonexistant-soul good to see it shedded..."
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Mon Aug 03, 2009 11:37 pm

"Now it seems you get to taste it for yourself. Give them hell!" Vanthryn commanded, raising his runed longsword into the air as the undead charged forward, their demonic masters following them, Ragnok already sprinting ahead of them as they joined him, heading after the fleeing laborers...

Postby C S » Mon Aug 03, 2009 11:44 pm

Gallant's horse reared up, letting out a deep, long demonic roar, flames spewing from its mouth and smoke bellowing from its nostrils, the black boned steeds's only natrual name being Brimstone from Hell's domain. Dropping back on all four's Brimstone ran foward as Gallant drew his blade, the some what recurved silver and blue sword with strange symbols running along it twirling in the Death Knight's hand as he rode deeper into the forrest to slaughter the rest of the hunans...
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Postby Doc 42 » Mon Aug 03, 2009 11:58 pm

Several other labourers joined the first two, maybe 8 men in total running through the forest. From by one of the sawing machines, an industrialist rose a rifle, trailing it on the incoming riders before firing, attempting to hold them off some what to give the others a chance. other workers had simply hid in the bushes where they worked, hoping they would be over looked. It was some distance to the forester's camp and they couldn't rely on the soldiers to save them.
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Postby TyrannoTitan » Tue Aug 04, 2009 12:50 am

Vanthryn's mount took to the air, skimming across the now largely treeless area near the ground, his longsword spearing a laborer through the chest before lifting up into the air, dragging the worker up with him before pointing the blade down, the mangled corpse sliding off the weapon as it plummeted toward the ground below. Ragnok's blade seemed to cover itself in twisting black magic, the death knight pointing the weapon toward the only armed Industrialist, the dark magic leaping from the blade, become a contorted mass of dark shapes, which slammed into the man's weapon, corroding both the weapon and the worker's hands at an accelerated rate...

The Undead stormed in behind them, the demonic necromancers raising any and all workers that fell before them, mainly using the mangled corpses as meat shields for their armed brethren...


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