What do you want to see in the video game industry?

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Re: What do you want to see in the video game industry?

Postby TyrannoTitan » Sun Oct 31, 2010 3:32 am

And what was the f*cking point of saying it again? We heard you, now shut up. Your b*tching isn't constructive.

Re: What do you want to see in the video game industry?

Postby Doc 42 » Sun Oct 31, 2010 12:36 pm

The Kingpin wrote:moar nazis. because they're the staple of every FPS player's diet... :P


Yeah. We've spent more time shooting nazis in games than the actual length of WW2. They've had enough.

What we need in the Games industry is PROGRESS
Moving onto new things. Instead of making ANOTHER nazi shooting game, explore a new concept. Thats why Call of Duty 4 did so well. The new modern setting was a complete hit.

Then they released ANOTHER modern warfare game. Which had the stupidest story I have ever heard of in a game.

HorseGal wrote:I'd like to see more simulation games and RPG games based on medieval Europe. I quite liked the stronghold series and heard there was a third one coming up soon.

Yes, I heard about that too. I guess we'll have to wait to see progress on it.

With that out of the way, what I want to see is more simulation.

IMO, the best games are games where instead of scripting what happens around you, they create a working environment and give you the ability to effect it, or integrate into it. Also, I feel simulation makes for the best stories in games. I don't mean like, the games plot, I mean just the experiences that you take away with you. Like when your talking about a game with some friends and every 5 minutes you feel compelled to go "OH AND THIS ONE TIME..."
and meander off into an epic retelling of something funny or cool that happened in a game. I think my favorite aspect about games is uniqueness, that your experience of a game has the potential to be completely different to anybody elses. Theres a serious lack of these environments in modern games, it seems companies instead favor scripted events and flashy graphical effects.
Spore, was a huge dissappointment for this reason.
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Re: What do you want to see in the video game industry?

Postby Godzilla Forever » Sun Oct 31, 2010 12:58 pm

I like me a good story, but what if you do something you don't like in your story that effects you later in the game and you are so far ahead in it there's no way to go back and fix it? Sometimes a good old fashion linear story isn't bad.
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Re: What do you want to see in the video game industry?

Postby Ins3kt » Sun Oct 31, 2010 2:07 pm

I want to see a shift more towards campaign. MP is now always the focus.
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Re: What do you want to see in the video game industry?

Postby Doc 42 » Sun Oct 31, 2010 9:14 pm

A new breed of AI
Whose with me on this one?
I'm absolutely tired of crappy ai and scripted sequence ai's. Its about time we faced something clever, or more importantly, worked with someone clever, in SP.
Ins, that is why MP is always the focus, Making an MP game is MUCH easier than putting resources into ai.
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Re: What do you want to see in the video game industry?

Postby Godzilla Forever » Sun Oct 31, 2010 9:48 pm

^ I agree. The scarab in Halo 3 is certainly a prime example of what non-scripted AI can do. Crappy AI is good for like zombies, but no one else.
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Re: What do you want to see in the video game industry?

Postby dinoman666 » Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:22 pm

Smarter A.I. is always a good idea. I know from personal experience that Halo: Reach's enemy A.I. is particularly intelligent compared to other games, but I feel like Bungie has completely forgotten about allied A.I. In every game, they've always been complete idiots (with the only exception being Noble Team, the only allies Bungie ever put any effort into making smart). It makes you wonder how the Covenant LOST...
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Re: What do you want to see in the video game industry?

Postby The Kingpin » Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:41 pm

that was a joke, Doc. because everyone's always asking for more nazis :P

but being serious, i agree with you. we need games that actually function on their own. for me, a massive portion of the fun is in the uniqueness of the game experience. hence why i always ask you and TT about your experiences after interesting DoW2 sessions. agreed, Spore was a let down. what was supposed to be procedural ended up kinda....well, a cookie-cutter system. only difference was the flavour of the cookie, as it were. even the animations were dumbed down. there used to be the option to drag food around in the creature stage, for example, and procedural animation development dependent on body structure. in the end, the tripods ended up walking like one leg was tied to one of the other two, making it seem like it took one stride with one leg, and another with two, rather than each limb functioning seperately to produce it's movement. and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

there's also alot of shortcomings in modern sandbox games. not enough in them to call them sandboxes. GTA4, Mafia 2 and Saints Row 2 are good examples. they're great games, no doubt about it. but there's too much focus on story. after the main plotlines are done, that's it. there's nothing else to do. and in Mafia 2's case, the game's over at the end of the story. you can't continue to roam, let alone do side missions [which unfortunately, are non existent. a massive disappointment there].

as for AI, it seems all modern games gloat about having 'intelligent' AI that 'adapts to your fighting style'. to be honest, i have yet to see proof of that. good example: Mass Effect 1 and 2. it claimed it's AI was shown in the Geth, in that in groups they'd be tactical and use advanced tactics to lure you into traps, flanking, and so on. all i saw was a bunch of random bots moving right and left in front of me and trying to get around cover, or occasionally bum-rushing me. intelligent? i think not...
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Re: What do you want to see in the video game industry?

Postby Ins3kt » Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:53 pm

Doc 42 wrote:A new breed of AI
Whose with me on this one?
I'm absolutely tired of crappy ai and scripted sequence ai's. Its about time we faced something clever, or more importantly, worked with someone clever, in SP.
Ins, that is why MP is always the focus, Making an MP game is MUCH easier than putting resources into ai.

Haha you said "Breed of..."

I know. The only game series that I've seen so far with compotent AI are Halo, Half Life, and Killzone. Especially the Elites from Halo though. I likes me a good challenge.
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Re: What do you want to see in the video game industry?

Postby TyrannoTitan » Sun Oct 31, 2010 11:01 pm

Ins3kt wrote:Haha you said "Breed of..."


Don't make me get the belt.

Anyway, I personally think AI isn't that big of deal anymore, though I'm mostly a multiplayer gamer. Instead of good AI, though, they could go the way of Dawn of War 2: Make the AI so f*cking bad that it is actually useful (IE: Lets take resource points 2 miles from the front lines!)

Re: What do you want to see in the video game industry?

Postby C S » Fri Nov 12, 2010 11:32 pm

A new mech type game. A modern take on the Mech Warriors series. IMO, the third was the best game, as its combat interface was awesome and the mech designs were cool, but I felt they were lacking something. Then I realized what it was: Melee capabillity. Be it blades, saws or just giant metal hands for grappling with enemies as close quarters, melee would put a new dynamic on mech battles. Hell, even a few codes and animations so its not just "click to punch/ slash", instead having hands able to grasp an enemy mech's giant laser cannon and ripping it off/ aiming it at another enemy as its about to fire. Something like that, with the cool customization that the MW series is famous for
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