Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

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Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby TyrannoTitan » Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:29 pm

Profiles should be entered in the profile topic ONLY.

The Setting:

The setting of this RPG takes place in a place called Los Diamantes, a city situated on the eastern coast of the United States. Similar to Miami, Los Diamantes, the 'City of Diamonds', is a city that stays warm all year round, has crystal clear ocean waters, and dense marshland that surrounds one side of it. The city is known for its wealth and prosperity, bringing many from all over the world to get a chance at the high life. Unfortunately, it also brings those that would rather take such a life then earn it themselves.

Super Beings:

Super beings are a completely unknown phenomena to the general public. These beings could have existed for centuries, but none have been publicly recognized as fact. When super beings take to the streets, the public tends to react to them in a scared, confused manner, and the police usually respond with force, regardless of the individual being's intentions. Subtly and disguise is key, or else they would be destroyed out of fear.


1: No killing other characters without the owner of said character's permission.
2: No powerplaying. This includes saying some form of protection is nearly indestructible. Immune to fire, sure, but indestructible? Not likely. Some unique weapons can be made indestructible (but not able to "pierce anything") so that such a big part of a character's background won't be destroyed in a single fight.
3: Keep posts descriptive unless responding to a conversation. OOC only posts not allowed.
4: No massive armies. Crime organizations are fine, but we don't want someone joining with an army the size of the US Navy. Crime organizations should have a total of 50 or less people at the start.
5: No character can have a position of power in the city (police chief, mayor, etc), and no players can control these NPCs.
6: No mass destruction (Leveling the city, or part of it, even individual building destruction would be very selective).
7: Villains can be violent but you can't kill hordes of people in every post.
8: No one can use known superheroes/villains (Venom, Superman, Wonderwoman, etc). Ripping them off is greatly discouraged. And if you take a character from another part of media, it must fit the style of the RPG (IE no cartoon villains like Bowser).
9: Every character MUST have a weakness. Every character can be beaten one way or another, but a weakness must be something that works against them. It has to be clear, and can't be downplayed (Saying if someone cracks him over the head hard enough he will be knocked out isn't a weakness, its common sense).
10: Technology can be futuristic (alien space ships [NO ARMIES], robots, etc) but things like teleportation and weapons that can produce ridiculous amounts of destruction (such as a nuke or something that can destroy the planet) are not allowed for obvious reasons.


Super Hero/Villain: Name of the super hero or villain.
Identity: Their real identity.
Length(if applicable):
Appearance: Appearance as their normal selves. Those who can't change back to their normal selves will describe what they USED to look like.
Super Hero/Villain Appearance: Appearance as their super selves.
Powers/Equipment: Can include one or the other depending on character, or both. Powers include super human abilities as well as special training. Equipment includes what weapons, armor, or devices they may be carrying.
Weakness: Every character must have one. Can't be something stupid like "if he gets hit on the head hard enough he will be knocked out". Must be a weakness semi-unique (players can reuse weaknesses for obvious reasons) to them.
Alliance: Good, evil, neutral, or anti-hero.
Allies (Optional):
Enemies (Optional):
History: Explains their origin/backstory. Can be left vague if the player wishes to keep the origin/background a secret.

Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby C S » Thu Aug 04, 2011 8:03 pm

The obnoxious blaring of an alarm clock's bells suddenly destroyed the silence in the room with light blue walls. The red clock jumped about on the bedside drawer, evading the hand that was trying to press down on it with drowsy swings. Eventually the boy's hand landed on top of the clock, a click quickly silencing the cacophony of noise. "Why do I still have this damn thing..." Kevin grumbled as he raised his head from his pillow. The night before had been very warm, so he didn't bother undoing his cream colored bed sheets and instead slept on them. Somehow he ended up laying on his front end with his face buried into the white pillowcase. He looked at the time, 6:45 AM. He had 45 minutes to get ready and leave for what would be his last day of his freshman year in high school. Instead of a routine day in class, it would be a trip to a new power plant, which was utilizing experimental means of energy production.

Groggily, Kevin rolled to the edge of his bed before stepping off. The golden rays of the sun were pouring through his window, which overlooked the street he lived on from the second floor of his house. He forgot to close the shutters before bed, and so his eyes pained him when he looked into the light. "Well that's one way to greet the day..." He muttered, rubbing his eyes before walking across his room, opening the door and stepping into the hallway. He heard clattering downstairs, meaning his dad was already awake and getting ready for work.
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby Godzilla Forever » Thu Aug 04, 2011 8:20 pm

It was a long, tiresome evening for Max. There was surprisingly little activity during the evening, leaving Mortum nothing to do, save for lurk in the shadows of the night and hunt for potential threats. It was morning, roughly 7:00 am. "Another wasted evening," Maximillion growled to himself. He soon plopped himself down in front of his television set and flipped through the channels. A bowl in his hands, filled to the brim with chips, he watched the news to see if there was anything of particular interest to him.

Max (or, more commonly, referred to as 'Mortum') lived in a small apartment building at the edge of town. He bide his time in the day, doing little with himself (for the light of the day was hard on his ethereal powers). He often would head out during the night, investigating as much of the city as he could, before he would return to his old ruined shack at the edge of existence.

Suddenly, his cell phone rang. He quickly pulled it out and looked at it. It was his friend, Harry. Oh boy. "Yeah, Harry?" Max answered, irritated. "What happened to 'yeah, let's go out today, Harry. I've got nothing better to do'? We were supposed to meet up ten minutes ago."

Max's eyes widened. "Oh, shoot! I forgot," Maximillion replied. "I'll be there was soon as possible." "Alright," Harry said. "Better be here in the next twenty minutes or so. I'm tired of this, dude. It's like you have some double life or something."

Max simply hung up the phone after that, slipped on his shoes, and headed out. He wanted to keep everything as secret as possible... even from his friends.
"If none can know what lies ahead, then losing one's way is just human nature."~ Yoshimitsu

"Would you hear my desire? To take this foul blade, and use it to blot out the light forever!" ~ Ganondorf
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby TyrantTR » Thu Aug 04, 2011 8:38 pm

Gerald Holden sat at the dining room table, reading that days newspaper while going through some work papers on the side. He took a sip of his morning coffee, as his son, Jake shambled tiredly into the dim room. He yawned as to signal his presence to his dad, who promptly reached behind him and pulled up the shades. Beams of light shot into the room, Jake groaned, turning his head as his eyes painfully adjusted to the light. His father lowered the news paper to look at his son, and observed a large bruise on his cheek, he let out a low gruff as he looked back to his paper. Jake began digging through the fridge, pulling a gallon of milk out from the very back and pouring himself a glass. Finally the boy spoke; "Hey Dad, I'm not feeling to well today, think I'm not going to go to school."
Gerald didn't blink an eye, his response was quick, as if he knew what Jake was going to say. "Is this because of the fight you got in?"
Jake cocked his head, surprised that his dad caught on so quickly. "It-it was from boxing practice." he stuttered.
"You haven't been to boxing practice since last week... want to try another lie?" Gerald smirked, knowing he caught his son in the act.
"It was-I fell down the stairs", Jake turned, making a retreat for his room. "Watch your step! You might slip on your own BS!" Gerald teased as Jake exited the room. "You know its the last day right? There was going to be a trip to my work place, your whole class is going." he raised his voice so Jake could here, but there was no response. "I'm going to work soon son, Charles will be here to give you a ride if you change your mind." With that Gerald collected his papers and slid them into his bag. He picked it up as well as his laptop case and walked down the stairs to the garage. Today was a very important demonstration.
Well James Bond Chinchilla and Monsta Pacman gets old after a year or so of absence. >_> Methinks I'll leave this blank until I come up with something to put here.
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby TyrannoTitan » Thu Aug 04, 2011 8:38 pm

In a downtown grocery store, a man wandered the aisles lazily, eventually coming to a stop near the produce department. Looking around half heartily for any witnesses, the man took a few grapes and quickly stuffed them into his mouth. Looking down, the man spotted what appeared to be a bathroom scale on the floor near the produce, a boombox sitting on one of the displays, and a toaster propped up against a few unpacked boxes. "Why is there a ******* scale he-" the man began with the same lack of real interest, until the objects began to shift and contort wildly, each growing to a surprising size. "STOP RIGHT THERE SCUM." a high pitched voice sounded as the scale turned into a small tyrannosaur-like robot. A few grapes fell out of the man's gaping mouth. Hearing more noises, he looked to find that the boombox and toaster had turned into the same small dinosaur machine as well. "What in the fu-" the man began as the used-to-be-scale, the man's back now to it, chomped on his ankle, causing him to cry out in pain as he fell to the floor. This drew the attention of other shoppers, coming to see what the commotion was. "BY CONSUMING THESE FRUITS YOU ARE STEALING FROM THESE PEOPLE." the scale-dinosaur squeaked, continuing to "chew" on the man's ankle.

"IT IS PEOPLE LIKE YOU THAT DESTROY THESE FAMILY RUN BUSINESSES." the toaster-dinosaur added, maw opening as a small jet of fire lit the screaming man's pants on fire. At this point, a few other shoppers were running out the store, while others began to call the police. "MAYBE NEXT TIME YOU WILL THINK BEFORE YOU ACT." the boombox-dinosaur concluded, leaping off the display on its side, one tiny arm holding the other, as it piledrived the man's head, knocking him out. "MY WORK HERE IS DONE." all of the dinosaurs said in unison as they ran toward the exit, one lingering behind long enough for a small American flag to pop out of its back, which it quickly grabbed and stabbed into the unconscious man's shoulder, before running after its fellows into the street...

Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby C S » Thu Aug 04, 2011 8:58 pm

Kevin returned to his room, dressed to go out after taking his morning shower. He was wearing a short sleeved gray T-shirt and black jeans. A blue and black light jacket was stretched out on his bed. Sitting down on his covers, Kevin took note of the time. "7 AM already..." He mused before taking a bite out of his cereal bar he got from downstairs. It crunched loudly as he chewed quickly.

"You sure you won't need a ride Kevin?" A voice called from the hallway, the voice of his father. It was deep and somewhat concerned. Archie Anderson was not worried about driving his son to school. He was worried about how his son was coping with the recent death of his mother. "Yeah, pretty sure dad" Kevin called back to him, his voice muffled by the breakfast bar he was scarfing down. Archie sighed. It seemed any time he asked Kevin a question, he would get a one word answer, or in this case just a sentence, where it seemed that the boy wasn't really paying attention to him. "You have your things ready for the trip?" He asked, to which Kevin replied "Packed it all last night."
"That's good, son. Proud of you! Didn't mess up your first year and now you get to see a bit of the future today!" Archie said. "Dad if you keep talking like this your going to be late for work" Kevin responded. "Right, right. Always keeping track of the time..." Archie mumbled to himself as he stepped out of the door in his gray work suit that had fine white lines running down the sleeves and leggings.
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby dinoman666 » Thu Aug 04, 2011 9:13 pm

In the early morning sunlight, a small streak appeared in the skies above Los Diamantes, mostly unseen by the busy citydwellers below. The streak of light headed downwards, towards the marshlands on the outskirts of the city...

The spacecraft, sleek and roughly ovoid, gray metal covering its smooth surface, streaked towards the swamps below, struggling to maintain a steady angle of descent without slamming into the ground nose-first. Fortunately for the small ship's pilot, the thick canopy of trees in the marshland proved to be sufficient enough to slow the struggling craft down, thick branches snapping under the ship's weight as it finally settled down none too gently into the ground, plowing into the dirt at a shallow angle, sliding across the marsh and slowing to a stop just before smashing into a large tree. Glowing red engines faded away as the ship finally powered down. A glowing white oval formed near the front of the ship's nose, and a metal plate extended up slightly and slid backwards, revealing the inside of the ship. After a few seconds of steam billowing from the crashed ship's cockpit, a metallic, clawed arm slowly reached up and gripped the edge of the cockpit, hauling some... thing out of the spacecraft, the metallic-looking soldier letting out a deep, mechanical warble...
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby TyrannoTitan » Fri Aug 05, 2011 12:05 am

A few blocks from the store, two shady looking fellows were talking in an alleyway, one holding a beer can in one hand as they talked in hushed voices. After downing the rest of his beverage, one of the men, who was wearing a bandanna, looked for a place to dispose of his trash. He quickly found a metal trash can along the wall, with a recycling bin right next to it. Not thinking much of it, the man lifted the lid of the trash can and prepared to throw the empty can inside, when he realized he was staring into the metal face of some sort of creature that was part of the trash can. "WHAT YOU ARE THROWING AWAY IS RECYCLABLE MATERIAL." the head said in a monotone voice. Stunned for a moment, the man suddenly tried to pull back away from the trash can, and as he did, a jet of flames shot out from within, scorching the wall behind the two and setting the top of the bandanna ablaze. Screaming, the man fell to the ground and began patting his head wildly, while his associate fled in fear. A small dinosaur-like robot stepped out from behind the trash can, with a head similar but significantly smaller then the head within. "BY RECYCLING, YOU HELP THE ENVIRONMENT AND ALL LIVING CREATURES." the little robot said in the same monotone, but much higher pitched, voice, before delivering a swift kick to the man's stomach, causing him to curl in pain, the fire on his head finally dying out, leaving a large bald patch on most of his head. "NOW YOU KNOW. WHEN YOU RECYCLE, YOU HELP THE PLANET AND YOURSELF." the robot continued, what appeared to be a thin piece of paper dispensing from a slot on its chest. Grabbing the paper, the robot pealed off the sticker, which was a recycling logo, and slapped it onto the center of the bald spot, just as the trash can finished its transformation back into two more identical robots...

Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby Godzilla Forever » Fri Aug 05, 2011 12:13 am

Max walks onto the sidewalk, his hood drawn over his head. It was surprisingly warm for being this early in the morning. He got a couple of odd looks for wearing his hood, considering it wasn't raining or anything. He simply ignored them and stood next to the nearest bus stop. As he predicted, the bus came. "Right on schedule," he thought to himself. The doors swing open with a menacing groan, and he soon steps on board. He was soon stopped by the busdriver. "Hey, buddy, you gonna pay?" he asked angrily. The driver was probably as tired as everyone else, so it was understandable. Grumbling, Max inserts a dollar into the machine, and takes a seat. More people soon begin to climb into the bus. It was already pretty crammed, so how people were still finding seats in this god forsaken vehicle was beyond him. Not that it mattered- he just wanted to get to his buddy as soon as possible.

The calls of the emergency were soon recieved by the LDPD. Aya was busy playing sudoku in the newspaper when she was called on.

"Aya?" one officer said.

"Yeah?" Aya replied. They always managed to interrupt her game. It was incredible what their timing was.

"We've recieved an emergency call," the officer said. "They want us down by this small family owned buisness. Said these little.... things popped up."

"Why do I always get the weird cases?..." Aya sighed. "Alright. Tell them I'm on my way."

The officer nods and runs out, as Aya goes to get into her squad car....
"If none can know what lies ahead, then losing one's way is just human nature."~ Yoshimitsu

"Would you hear my desire? To take this foul blade, and use it to blot out the light forever!" ~ Ganondorf
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby dinoman666 » Fri Aug 05, 2011 12:40 am

The alien creature, clad in a fearsome-looking metallic suit, landed with a muted thud in the soft dirt of the marsh surrounding his crashed ship. Glowing white slits scanned the wet environment for a moment, seeing nothing but a lot of non-sentient lifesigns. Turning to his ship, the alien scanned the craft as well, overlooking the damage it had sustained. The creature let out a growl that seemed to sound frustrated. He would need to find extra supplies to help repair his ship, or at least find a way to contact other members of his species to pick him up if it turns out he's stranded. The alien also detected something even more interesting, however: distant radio signals. A lot of them. Clearly, there was civilization nearby. Hostile or not, he had no idea. It was best to play it safe. Checking to make sure his suit functions and weapons were all operational, he then quickly moved off into the forest, tracking the electronic signals...
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby Godzilla Forever » Fri Aug 05, 2011 1:57 am

Aya soon enters her squad car, turns on her siren, and speeds out of the station. She didn't have time to wait for traffic; if this was important enough for them to call the Police Department, they wanted instant gratification. Driving fast, she zooms past cars with incredible speed, her car appearing like a white and black, neon-lit blur. She was behind some of the other squad cars, but she was fine with that. It was best if someone else got there first anyways...

The other two squad cars soon arrive at the market.

"Where the hell's Aya?" one asks.

"I dunno, but she'll get here. Let's go in."

The other officer nods, and they, along with their partners, head into the market...

Max's bus is soon off on the road, after what felt like an hour (although it was only like two minutes). The bus's doors slam shut, and it soon speeds off to the next stop.....
"If none can know what lies ahead, then losing one's way is just human nature."~ Yoshimitsu

"Would you hear my desire? To take this foul blade, and use it to blot out the light forever!" ~ Ganondorf
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby TyrannoTitan » Fri Aug 05, 2011 2:00 am

"FINALLY." the manager of the store said as the officers entered, as emergency personnel hoisted the injured man onto a stretcher and carried him to an ambulance waiting outside. "You're too late. As always." the manager stated angrily, gesturing to the lack of activity inside the store, besides the EMTs. Whatever had attacked the man was long gone.

Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby Godzilla Forever » Fri Aug 05, 2011 2:04 am

"We're sorry," the officer replied. "If we could've arrived faster, we would have."

The other officer soon spoke. "So what happened? You said there were some... dino robots or something?"

As the officers inside spoke, Aya's squadcar pulled up in front of the store. She quickly got out of the car and noticed the others were already inside.

"Well, might as well meet up with them," Aya thought aloud as she approached the building...
"If none can know what lies ahead, then losing one's way is just human nature."~ Yoshimitsu

"Would you hear my desire? To take this foul blade, and use it to blot out the light forever!" ~ Ganondorf
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby dinoman666 » Fri Aug 05, 2011 2:07 am

Kala continued to cautiously follow the signals, his armored suit flickering and eventually fading from sight as his cloaking system kicked in. He couldn't use it forever, especially if he needed to fight, but it would suit him well for now, as he approached the city limits of Los Diamantes...

Invisible to all observers (except those looking for the telltale shimmer in the air that marked his presence), Kala trekked through the alien streets, sticking to back alleys and rooftops to keep attention away from him. These aliens seemed mostly harmless to one as well-equipped as him, but he didn't doubt that a civilization as advanced as this one would have law enforcement. He scaled the metal and concrete buildings, tracking intercepted radio transmissions about some sort of "emergency," as far as his translator could figure out...
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby C S » Fri Aug 05, 2011 2:11 am

7:14 AM. Kevin had two breakfast bars and had finished brushing his teeth. Getting ready to leave, he put on his black sneakers, swiftly tying his laces tight and slipping on the jacket, not zipping it up all the way. He opened his beside drawer, pulling out his black watch with the brown leather strap and putting it on. He then slipped his cell phone into his pants pocket, also black, thin with a sliding screen. He took his house keys and then his wallet, which had about 40 dollars inside. Bracing against the foot of his bed was the boy's book bag. It was also black and fairly large, meaning that when his books were emptied out from it, it had enough room to carry his supplies for the day: food and drink that should last him the trip and the ride back. He looked at the clock. 7:15. "Not too long now..." He thought.
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby TyrannoTitan » Fri Aug 05, 2011 3:05 am

"That's what the customers told me. I didn't get a look at them myself, I was in the back." the manager explained, a few of the witnesses standing around inside the store, waiting with nervous and uneasy expressions. "Apparently it was like a few toys came to life and attacked the man. A few said they heard the things speak, about the man hurting the store or something." he continued, stroking his beard with a hand.

Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby Godzilla Forever » Fri Aug 05, 2011 3:12 am

"Sounds pretty ridiculous if you ask me."

The officers turn as Aya walks up beside them.

"Took you long enough."

"I was two minutes late. Get over it."

The officers shrug before they get back to buisness.

"Any leads as to where the little monstrosties may have headed?"
"If none can know what lies ahead, then losing one's way is just human nature."~ Yoshimitsu

"Would you hear my desire? To take this foul blade, and use it to blot out the light forever!" ~ Ganondorf
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby raptor titanus3 » Fri Aug 05, 2011 3:27 am

It was late afternoon He remembered smelling burned flesh and a mess of blood everywhere, he stood right where one of the guys lobbed a moly right on a oil barrel and lit up his wharehouse. Others opened by with Automatics and 9 mils and sprayed the few with guns defnding this out of the way place thankfully all the contents inside were either burned or stolen but in the same respect it old him one thing, he had lost! Edward woke with a start, he was in a cold sweat and he felt his old injury acting up. It was the same dream, the very same dream for the last two years. He had made it to the top and as if in poetic irony brought down by a young up and commer like he used to be. As for his injury well whenever he was in a foul humor his old gunshot wound would start hurting like a thousand Hornets had exploded in his thigh. It was 7:20 and he felt like he had slept for an hour and the whole time he was getting hit with a baseball bat, he needed a drink.
"We all go about our daily lives, waiting for the next big thing, the next cool trend, even the smallest bits of info on anything happening, but what we're really waiting for... is for something interesting to happen to us, thats what draws us to the rich and famous... we want to be like them... I don't, I'm fine with who I am... and you should be too" - RT3
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby dinoman666 » Fri Aug 05, 2011 3:38 am

Kala's helmeted head peeked cautiously over the edge of a nearby building next to the convenience store, watching the emergency vehicles curiously. He had no idea what they were, but he could probably find something useful out of them. The problem, however, was the large number of pale-skinned, mammalian aliens gathered around the store and vehicles, including several in matching uniforms. Making sure he was still cloaked, and his cannons were primed and ready to fire, he carefully leaned further over the edge of the stone building, his suit's clawed feet digging into the edge of the roof as he strained to eavesdrop on whatever he could hear from his vantage, unaware of the slight crumbling of the roof's ledge, several tiny pieces of concrete raining down from his position and clacking to the street below...
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Re: Super Hero RPG: Chronicles of Los Diamantes

Postby TyrannoTitan » Fri Aug 05, 2011 3:41 am

"None. In fact, the security cameras don't even show that they entered. No one knew they were in the store." the manager responded, still frowning.


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