Alien vs. Predator E-war

Where good and bad RPGs and E-wars go to die.

Alien vs. Predator E-war

Postby dinoman666 » Sat Sep 01, 2007 3:11 am

Here's the basics:
1. No powerplaying (duh)
2. No killing another player without permission, but you can injure them (double duh)
Here's the template:




Name: (Ex: Dachande, Xanofel, etc.)
Preferred weapons:



Human Weapons:
Pulse Rifle-Basic Automatic Rifle with a Grenade Launcher beaneth the main barrel.
Smartgun-Large gun that shoots homing bullets (only somewhat homing).
Flamethrower-A basic Flamthrower. Useful against Xenos.
SADAR-A rocket launcher.

Predator Weapons:
Wristblades-You know what these are.
Plasma Caster-Basic long-range Predator weapon. Shoulder-mounted.
Smart Disc-A powerful throwing disc that homes on opponents.
Spear-Basic, double-pointed spear.
Speargun-Sort of like a Sniper Rifle, except it shoots blue spear points at high speed.

Xeno Classes:
Warrior-A basic Xenomorph soldier with acidic blood, sharp claws, a blade-tipped tail, and powerful inner jaws.
Drone-A smaller, weaker Xeno that's light-gray instead of black, they only use claws and teeth to fight, but can spit acidic spittle (they also have acidic blood) that gives enemies cysts that make the victim's Chestburster (if they survive) more deadly, as well as the resulting Xeno. This is shown with a red stripe along the top of the Xeno's head.
Runner-Quadrupedal Xenos that are fast, powerful jumpers, and they can sicken enemies with their tail, giving them spores that can help track the victim. They also explode when lit on fire.
Praetorian-The Queen's "Royal Guard," they look like the Queen but only half the size, and can belch up vast qauntities of their own acidic blood as a first attack. They are very powerful, and one can turn into a Queen when none are present. They can track spores like Runners. They are only born from Praetorian Facehuggers.
PredAlien-Born from a Predator, these Xenos are practically invulnerable to fire, and are almost vampiric in that they bite and drink blood from victims to heal. They also have inner jaws. When they fight enough, they can molt and become even deadlier, as shown by growing spines on their backs.
Queen-Must I say anything? They are tough, nearly invincible, and can lay eggs with facehuggers within. They can also put nearby Xenos into a battle frenzy and track spores.
Ravager-Another form the Praetorian can evolve into, these beasts are Queen-sized, and have huge hull blades for hands, used to decapitate. When killed, they instead enter a near-death state, where they can heal, if not damaged too much.
Carriers-Another Queen-sized Praetorian variant, these beasts have large spines on their backs, small blades for hands, and are more suited to carrying facehuggers into combat on their spines then fighting themselves. They can hold and launch up to 12 Facehuggers at a time, which are temporarily invincible, as arew the Chestbursters, though this wears off after a few minutes (just enough time for the Xeno to reach adulthood). When killed, they explode in a showr of acid, launching facehuggers everywhere.

And that's it!
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Re: Alien vs. Predator E-war

Postby Iceking » Sat Sep 01, 2007 3:15 am

name:giant crest
background:she is the queen of one of the new xenmorph hives on earth. she has set up her hive in as much secerecy as possible so no one else can find it. she seeks to breed, expand her hive and protect her colony from harm.
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Postby Anaclagon » Sat Sep 01, 2007 3:35 am

Name: Simply Known as Alpha or Leader
Preferred weapons: Spear, Plasma Canister and wristblades.
Appearance: Dark Blade Clan Armor from Predator Concrete Jungle except with more armor around the body and legs whose elite armor and elite weapons gives him somewhat acid resistant armor and weapons which can cut through most likely anything.
Personality: Aggressive and Ruthless im combat and to his enemies. Towards other predator's he can be aggressive but to older predatror's, Alpha will be calm and respectful and difficult to anger.
Background: The Dark Blade Clan Leader... his skills are known throughout Predator Society. His hunting skills are elite and his skills with the spear are unmatched.

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Postby Iceking » Sun Sep 02, 2007 2:33 am

in the depths of an xenmorph hive, a large creature sat where she was. she was watching her workers as they worked to keep the hive sutible for them and their queen. a runner approached the queen. the queen hissed:"what is it, sickle tail?" sickle tail hissed:"a predator has been sighted close by. this has caused some of us to worry about more coming to destroy the hive." the queen hissed:"go and attack the predator with your tail to allow me to track it when i am ready." the runner nodded and ran off to attack the predator.
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Postby Anaclagon » Sun Sep 02, 2007 2:42 am

Alpha had be suspecting the hive of one of the aliens but from a distance. He had be patrolling the area knowing full well that the humans were nothing compared to the "hardmeat" Alpha drew his glaive and activated his wristblades... something caught his attention. was it a xenomorph coming to fight?

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Postby Iceking » Sun Sep 02, 2007 3:08 am

sickle tail left the hive and spotted the predator from a distance. the runner then began to walk calmy toward the predator. at the same time, he was getting his tail ready to have spores enter the predator. sickle tail then dashed at the predator, taking it by suprise long enough for him to inflict a small wound on the arm. the wound wasn't fatal, but the spores had entered the predators body and now it could be tracked by the qieen. the runner then turned and ran back to the hive to inform the queen.
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Postby Anaclagon » Sun Sep 02, 2007 3:11 am

Alpha ignored the small wound, it was not fatal but the runner was very fast and hardly had any time to react. Alpha then fired his plasma canister down the hive hoping to hit him... so at least they would both be even.

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Postby Iceking » Sun Sep 02, 2007 3:16 am

the runner only suffered a small wound. sickle tail approached his queen and hissed:"i have attacked the predator and you can now track him." giant crest hissed:"very good. now, where is this predator?" a second runner approached the queen and hissed:"there is a predator outside of the hive!" giant crest hissed:"i doubt he'll come in if he is alone. if he doesn't leave soon, i'll make sure he's dead." the queen rose to her feet and walked slightly closer to the enterance to the hive.
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Postby Anaclagon » Sun Sep 02, 2007 3:20 am

Alpha exteneded his wrist blades and readied his glaive. He has killed queens before but each one got harder and harder... each almost killing him. Alpha knew he could not take on the hive alone but if he could last until help arrived... then their was a chance to make their kill. Alpha looked left and right and then narrowed his mask vision towards the entrance, changing it until it found the right one for xenomorphs and a large green figure was somewhat close to the entrance...

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Postby Iceking » Sun Sep 02, 2007 3:29 am

giant crest spotted a predator sneaking its way into the enterance, the queen hissed very quietly so only her brethen could hear her. the other xenomorphs back off, waiting to see what their qieen would do. giant crest walked very slowly toward the predator and she snarled at it:"leave my hive or you can consider yourself dead!" the queen's tail came forward, revealing the blade on the tip.
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Postby Anaclagon » Sun Sep 02, 2007 3:33 am

Alpha roared not understanding what she said. Alpha put his glaive in front of him... his wrist blades reaching full height as his Plasma Canister was locked and armed. This is what a Predator prefered anyway.... a true honorable warrior always fought at close range...

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Postby Iceking » Sun Sep 02, 2007 3:40 am

giant crest began to move her tail when the predator didn't listen to her. her patience for this invader to leave the hive was growing thin. the queen then began to move her tail closer to the predator. suddenly, a second predator appeared. before the second predator could do anything, giant crest stabbed it through the chest with her tail blade and lifted it off the ground easily. she threw the body aside and waited to see what the first predator would do.
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Postby Anaclagon » Sun Sep 02, 2007 3:45 am

This was personal.... Alpha made a loud roar and fired his plasma canister towards her right leg and then threw a smartdisk shuriken towards her head.

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Postby Iceking » Sun Sep 02, 2007 3:47 am

giant crest knocked one of the weapons aside with her tail and ignored the pain from the other even though it hit her head. the queen whipped the predator with her tail and when it got up, she just knocked it over again. the small wound on her head had the queen's blood coming out. unfourtanetly for the predator, the blood was acidic enough to damage armor.
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Postby Anaclagon » Sun Sep 02, 2007 3:54 am

Alpha rolled out from her... his upperright chest armor was damaged but Alpha threw it off and then impaled her with his glaive which was acid resistant and pulls out his smart disk and threw it again, the disk, slicing through the right side of her giant cranium

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Postby Iceking » Sun Sep 02, 2007 3:55 am

the queen ignored the pain from the attack to her head again. her blood landed on a small part of the predators armor and caused damage. the queen reached down with one of her own hands and pulled the weapon out of her. giant crest then raied her tail and prepared to stab the blade into the predator's chest.
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Postby Anaclagon » Sun Sep 02, 2007 3:59 am

Alpha faced death however that does not mean it take a cheap shot... meaning it would not blast it in the face with his plasma canister instead Alpha sliced the hand with his wrist blades... even though he lost thenm due to the blood he managed to free himself after sslashed her arm. Alpha then rolled grabbing his glaive and then jumped on to her and stabbed her back.

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Postby Iceking » Sun Sep 02, 2007 4:09 am

giant crest snarled as the predator started to stab her in the back. one of her runners jumped in and knocked the predator off of the queen's back. the predator got up and the runner retreated back, still ready in case the queen needed any help. giant crest then hissed at the predator again. it was a hiss of warning.
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Postby Anaclagon » Sun Sep 02, 2007 4:16 am

Suddenly 2 Predators appeared jumped of nowher, decloaking. They were tall but not as tall as Alpha, they were heavily armed. Both had full body armors. One was armed with a spear gun and a plasma canister, the other was armed with two daggers in his arms with extended wrist blades. The two were simply known as Plasma and Blades. Alpha roared in his native launguage. "Back off... I am continuing my fight. You two are here only to cover me from other hardmeats" Alpha picked up his glaive and prepared to fight once more...

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Postby Iceking » Sun Sep 02, 2007 7:39 pm

giant crest watched as two predators seemed to appear out of thin air. because there were only three predators, the xenmorphs had an advantage in numbers. the queen then swung her tail at the tallest predator at knocked one of its weapons out of its hands.
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