Animal RPG

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Postby Iceking » Fri Oct 05, 2007 8:37 pm

azure eye saw that the wolf pack had backed away from him when he had snarled at them. the white tiger was satisfied with this and began to eat the deer, his teeth easil piercing the skin. after 16 minutes had passed, he was satisfied with what he had eaten and walked away to the northeast, leaving the remains of the deer carcass to the wolf pack. azure eye was heading back to his terriotry, intending to patrol it to keep out intruding males that might want to take it over.
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Postby HorseGal » Fri Oct 05, 2007 8:37 pm

Isoke opened her eyes and looked at her stripey pelt. She noticed beads of sweat rolling down it. She snorted, got up from her spot and walked around. Her eyes were staring at the ground, trying to find a good place to roll in the dirt. She wouldn't stop until she found that perfect spot. The tall grass brushed at her legs as she walked. She was also starting to feel itchy. The rolling will help, she thought as she halted and pawed at a patch of dirt, testing it out. When she found it worthy, she got down and started to roll in the dirt. Her black and white pelt soon had patches of brown around it. There was a pleased look as she continued on with her rolling. This is much better, she thought.
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Postby Shadow » Fri Oct 05, 2007 8:48 pm

Kita gained on the antelope, ignoring the zebras and antelope around him, he inched closer and closer until he knew that if he didn't jump now he would lose his prey. He leaped and thrusted his front paws onto the back of the gazelle and brought it crashing to the ground using his sheer weight to pin it...
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Postby Anaclagon » Fri Oct 05, 2007 8:49 pm

Blood Scar finished his meal after a while, eating most of the body and the head. Blood Scar, cruised away allowing any scavengers to go after it. There was nothing that really bothered him in the water, it was pretty much all of his. Blood Scar continued swimming, a mate would be welcome but anything else who face deadly retaliation.
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Postby Shadow » Fri Oct 05, 2007 8:56 pm

The King Cheetah ended the antelope's struggles with a quick bite to the neck, crushing it's windpipe and ending it's life. He dragged the kill towards a sparse tree, and dropped it in the shade, starting to eat it.
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Postby Stallordasaurus Rex » Fri Oct 05, 2007 8:58 pm

Maka and the hunting group returned to the den. "Damn tigers" He howled to the pack, announcing their arrival We have returned. A tiger has taken our food. Maka howled. He hurried into his cave, where Swift lay, cleaning the pups fur. She hadn't noticed he came in until he growled "Swift. Darkfur wishes to speak with you"
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Postby Anaclagon » Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:03 pm

Blood Scar left the waters after gulping down a few fish that came to close, coming on shore for a while, resting in the sun. His body warming up. The massive crocodile watched the animals in the main fields, roaming around. While just lying there, Blood Scar was able to run quickly for a few moments and also use his tail as a weapon as well.
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Postby Hopeflower » Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:03 pm

Night watched the jackal go before scanning the grasslands again. The rabbit had only taken the edge off her hunger, but it was close to what little prey could be found in the cliffs. Most of Night's weight was made up of muscle, though she managed to find enough food to get by each day.
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Postby Iceking » Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:07 pm

azure eye had returned to his terriotry and began his patrol, starting by heading to the southeast area, where there was the cave of a lone wolf that had been chased ouf of this area. the white tiger moved easily through the forest, crouching lower to easily slip under some tree roots. he found the cave and searched the area, carefully, even checking the most unlikley places to make sure that an intruder wasn't there. azure eye didn't see or pick up the scent of any intruder and knew now that this area wasn't being invaded for now. the tiger let out a roar, a sound that could be heard easily from anything two miles away form him.
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Postby Anaclagon » Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:11 pm

Blood Scar heard a roar from one of the land animals, from some distance away. Blood Scar then returned to the water swimming might check out where it came from but at the same time they were common. The massive crocodile began to swim around, towards a different direction, exploring his massive water territory.
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Postby Doc 42 » Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:14 pm

Tornado raised his head and his ears pricked when he heard the roar. He mumered "A tiger..." He snarled quietly and continued padding along through the forest, He hoped that the tiger settled down elsewhere, he doubted that he would be able to fight one off.
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Postby Stallordasaurus Rex » Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:21 pm

Swift creeps out of the cave, jumps up the rocks, and stands there. Staring at a pure black wolf. Darkfur.
"Darkfur. You wanted to see me?"
"Yes, Come Swift"
The female stepped closer.
"Another failed hunt?"
She nodded.
"Those tigers. Think they own everything" He blinked "Ah. Almost forgot why I called you here" He turned, his eyes staring down at her. "The wind tells me, a herd of moose has been seen not too far from here"
"Moose? How will we take one of those down,Darkfur?"
"This would be a good time to teach the young ones how to hunt"
"But,Darkfur, there is one runt in my litter. How will he be a use in hunting?"
"Even the smallest can be the toughest. Now. Tell Maka, and he'll handle the rest"
Swift raced down the rocks and entered the cave. "Maka. A herd of moose is nearby!" She growled "This'll be a great opertunity for us to finally have enough for the whole pack" Maka looked at her. "Lets go" He howled, Young ones, Hunters, gather! A hunt!
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Postby Shadow » Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:22 pm

Within minutes, Kita was full, and lazed about in the shade, feeling sleepy, he didn't let himself fall asleep just yet. Instead he rose and found a large rock and watched a herd of zebras, eyeing one that was rolling in dirt.(Isoke) He kept a wary eye out for predators.
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Postby Anaclagon » Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:27 pm

After some time swimming, Blood Scar found himself in a forest... swimming the river that ran through it. The massive crocodile growled, looking for the monkey that usually got close enough to snatch or any predators that were drinking. Blood Scar appeared like a floating log to everything else but his eyes continued to scan through his surroundings...looking for food
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Postby Iceking » Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:31 pm

azure eye headed to the northeast area of his terriotry, remembering that some intruding wolves had entered from that area 3 months ago. the male tiger padded along, remaining quiet enough to be able to sneak up on even a moose and not being discovered as long as it didn't pick up his scent. he walked to a large tree and began to leave claw marks to show that this area was already terriotry and to mark this area. after leaving his mark on the tree, azure eye walked to an area that had the skeleton of a bull moose that had died of old age. the tiger didn't make another sound, feeling that his recent roar was enough to let intruders know that he was not going to give up his terriotry without a fight.
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Postby Anaclagon » Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:35 pm

Blood Scar turned his head, seeing a faint white figure that stood out in the open due to his coloring. Blood faced it... making a growl causing the water around him to bubble. Blood Scar then looked up... it was a small group of monkeys that were jumping from tree to tree. Blood then propelled himself in the air, snatching a monkey in its jaws just as it was about to reach the branch of the tree. Blood Scar landed in the water, crushing its prey in its jaws before eating it.
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Postby Stallordasaurus Rex » Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:46 pm

Maka,The Young Ones, and the Hunters walked quietly through the forest. Maka heard a sudden grunt and ducked down, the others doing the same. "There. Ambush postions!" The group of wolves made a circle aroud the moose. They focused on a female, which was walking away from the herd. The Wolves sprang out and tackled the moose to the ground, they started to bite and claw at the struggling moose.

The rest of the herd was held back by the rest of the group.
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Postby HorseGal » Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:59 pm

When Isoke was done rolling in the dirt, she got back right to her hooves and shook extra dirt off of her. Dust flew as she shook. She snorted as some got in her nostrils and trotted back toward the herd of mares, yearlings, and foals. She gazed at the grass beneath her and started to munch on it, savoring the taste.
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Postby Anaclagon » Fri Oct 05, 2007 10:07 pm

Blood Scar left the water for a while, hearing a small struggle a while away. The crocodile ignored it and began walking, following the river. Blood Scar sometimes walked on the land, just for the feel of it. The massive creautre smelled the air and continued to walk...
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Postby The Kingpin » Fri Oct 05, 2007 10:49 pm

Nightbane looked up at what had kicked him, and saw a Maneless lion, slightly smaller than himself. it was backing away, snarling, though by the looks of it it didn't intend to attack. his scent didn't hold that of any others. "A loner?" he growled interestedly. it had been a while since he had last seen a lone Lion. and the ones he had seen were always hostile. this could be a turning point in his rather bad luck as of late...
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