Realms of the Dragons RPG

Where good and bad RPGs and E-wars go to die.

Postby Doc 42 » Mon Jul 09, 2007 2:25 pm

The Dragon watched the strange human vehicles driveing along. He was circleing high in the sky out of their veiw. But he did notice them making strange movements for travelers. Eventually he got bored and dived. Down towards the vehicles intent on burning them. He smiled at the thought. He realeased a jet of flame but just before it was about to hit the cars split up and the flame just scorched the ground under them. He pulled out of the dive laughing. Humans didnt come to the dessert often enough. Then he heard a loud whistle. Looking behind him it seemed as if th humans had fires some sortve weapon at them. Laughing he blew a fire ball at the strange missile. The missile swerved around the fire ball and continued towards him. His eyes widened, he hadnt expected that. Then the missile crashed into his side as he braced for the impact. The dragon was engulfed in flames. shrapnel tore at his wings, it drew long gashes in his face. he could feel his side tearing appart. The next thing he could see was the ground coming up at him, no. He was going towards it. Then he crashed head first into the dessert surface, his neck bent and broke. He continued in one last death roll and then slammed to a halt. All life had ended. A voice went across the radio channels "Dragon shot down. Too easy"
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Postby Iceking » Mon Jul 09, 2007 7:59 pm

it attacked when no human expected it. the attack occured near a farm with hundreds of cows. for a hungry carnivore, the hundreds of cows meant a huge feast. the sky was clear and there were no clouds in any direction. one of the humans looked to the east and saw a dark shape approaching. the human thought that the shape was simply part of a cloud. then, the shape began to come closer at a speed much faster than any cloud would move on the wind. the shape was in truth a winged creature with azure scales, green webbing on its giant wings and a tail with six spikes on the side with a red spike at the end of the tail. the creature swooped down and hit one of the cows, knocking the smaller creature off its feet and sending it rolling. the winged beast landed and approached the cow, the carnivore making very short work of the cow with its razor sharp teeth. the creature looked at the human, blood dripping from its jaws. the human was about to scream when it was killed by a fire ball that come from the creatures mouth. the human was burned in a matter of seconds. the azure beast let loose a roar that shook the ground near it.
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Postby Legendary Elite » Wed Jul 18, 2007 11:35 am

Legendarus continued to scan the great wide desert for any signs of life. That rock was the center of his territory now and no one was going to take it from him. He maybe 300 years old (17 in human years) but he was mature. A mature Prehistoric Dragon that could wreck havoc upon most of his enemies. He wondered though if more of his kind survived the extinction. And also wondered what dragons existed during this time. He knew the Water Dragons would survive, they were related to his kind. Like cousins almost. Both species had learnt to exist in harmony with each other. But still, it was a mystery, he remembered the land he used to live in was now gone. Allosaurus and other dinosaurs were gone, it was no longer extremely cold. He remembered how cold it got in the winter. Still, it looked as if the land had become an even harsher place than ever with devoid of life. Or so he thought...
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Postby Iceking » Thu Jul 19, 2007 6:49 pm

riosoul was not satisfied with eating one of the creatures he killed. he took to the sky again upon his giant wings and went after his prey. he swooped down with his talons out and hit one of the herbivores with his claws. it seemed as though the claws would only leave a wound on his prey. however, there was something else to come. the herbivore got up and continued to run when suddenly, it stopped running and slid across the ground due to its running. it was dead by a very lethal poison that had entered its body when the talons hit their target. riosoul was unaffected by his own poison and could eat without worry. the azure rathalos approached his dead prey and he began to eat it, starting with the head. his teeth made very short work of his killed prey in a short amount of time. riosoul was looking for a territory that would have plenty of prey nearby and a good source of water for him to drink from.
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Postby Anaclagon » Mon Aug 20, 2007 12:51 am

Anaclagon patrolled the skies over Eurpoe, searching the areas for food, it seemed to him that going on the run was better... staying in one area was to boring. The dragon then decided to head to the United States... the dragon shifted course and flew over the Atlantic... preparing to attack...

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Postby The Kingpin » Fri Aug 31, 2007 12:46 pm

an explosion sounded outside the cave, Ember looking around wildly. the cave could handle blows like that, but how many was questionable. a booming roar outside marked the arrival of Inferno. the Terror of England in pre-Roman times, he dove down on the attackers; an army of tanks, soldiers and missile launchers. the Dragon spiralled towards them, launching a barrage of fireballs that decimated the soldiers and left half the tanks as burning wreckage. a tank shell hit Inferno, knocking him back and out of the sky. he hit the ground hard, and rolled onto his feet, closing his wings to protect them. a booming roar sounded, as his tail swung into a tank, sending it tumbling into 3 others, making them explode in a massive fireball. the remaining 5 tanks were retreating, but Inferno had no intention of letting them escape. he leapt over them, landing in front of them. his massive tail crushed one, while a fireball destroyed two others. the last two were swallowed up in lava pits, and the Dragon roared in unmatched fury, before returning to the cave, fear having finally made it's way into the hearts of the people within 500 Kms of him. The Terror of Great Britain had made his mark...forever. few would ever dare to oppose him, and those who would, would meet a fiery end beyond anything they could ever imagine...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby Doc 42 » Sat Sep 01, 2007 5:32 pm

*A few days later*
Jacob could hear his heart beat, sounding like a drum in the pleasnt silence. Suddenly his vission returned and he heard wind rushing past his ears. With a snap he got over his shell shock and the sound of explosions and bullets shizzing filled his ears. He started shouting orders again.

The command vehicle tore down the ruined street, 4 jeeps by its side and a shilka. The jeeps flak guns were powered down, instead the crew man was crouching down holding a sub machine gun. Across the road two men opened fire on the jeeps. A few bullets ratteld into the side of a jeep and slamed into the gunner, throwing him off screaming.
the radio buzzed into life "Man Down! infantry 2 O'clock!" the gunners on the jeeps started returning fire with their own weapons. One of the enemy soilders was killed and the other ducked down behind a dumpster. One jeep gunner bit the pin off a grenade and flung it at the dumpster as the 6 vehicles passed. The dumpster exploded dealing with the last enemy. The radio buzzed into life again "This is hound dog, we are pinned down enemy forces with heavy armor we don't have the weapons to deal with them we need help now!" The pilot of the command vehicle looked back at Jacob expecting new orders. Jacob shouted over the roar of battle "Negetive we keep moving. We dont have the weapons to deal with them either, we need to get to the docks!" The small platoon of vehicles maneavuerd through the streets hurridly. A blip came onto the radar, a gunship had flown higher than the buildings and was pounding Hound dog squad with rockets. Jacob shouted more orders at his men and a missle rolled out of its hold into the launcher. It spun around and fired the sleek pencil shaped missile into the air. it spiraled up and corkscrewed towards the gunship who had forgotten about the DDASFs anti-air capabilitys. The missile crashed into the back of it blowing off its tail and one wing. The gun ships had dual heli blades, one on each wing. it spun around in flames before crashing into a street tearing into a small shop and exploding. The shilka suddenly opened fire into an GDEA truck that had pulled up infront of them. The men scrambled out trying to escape the torrent of bullets, which ripped striaght through the trucks armor. One of the survivors rolled and brought a rocket launcher to his shoulder. Before anyone could do anything they anti-tank missile burst from its tube slamming right into the shilka blowing it to peices. The rest of the vehicles sped down a side street instead of staying to fight. They needed to make it to the docks before the last of the DDASF soilders pulled out
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Postby The Kingpin » Sat Sep 01, 2007 10:59 pm

a torrent of flames engulfed a small village in northern England. Inferno was on the hunt....a hunt for revenge. one of his youngsters had been taken, and then killed when he caught up to the attacker. this was where it came from. in retaliation, Inferno attacked, engulfing the entire village in flames, burning the flesh off of the bones of the people below, it's extreme heat only a fraction of what he could do. a tank rolled out from behind a building, the last defence they had. 4 anti-air guns had been installed around the main gun, and were firing at Inferno with high powered Armour piercing rounds, which, despite the fancy name, did little more than scratch Inferno's extremely tough chest scales. a tank shell hit him in the chest, knocking him back and leaving him with a scorched left chest plate. he unleashed an entirely black fireball, it's heat so great that upon impact the tank melted immediately. Inferno landed, and began to destroy the buildings one by one. his massive tail swung into a building, breaking right through the walls, making the house collapse. he engulfed another in a torrent of black flames, the heat melting the stone that made up the walls of this particular house. after making sure the village was completely leveled, he leapt into the air and returned to his home...
"Ah yes, organised chaos. the sign of a clever but ever-busy mind. To the perpetrator, a carefully woven web of belongings and intrigue, but to the bystander? Madness!"
–William Beckett, Lore of Leyuna RPG

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Postby Doc 42 » Sun Sep 23, 2007 12:38 pm

The DDASF vehicles sped skidded around the corned into sight of the docks. Only two transport ships were left, the rest having sailed back to the fleet. They sped towards the gate, fireing randomly behind them. They smashed through the un-manned barrier and rumbled towards the ramp. Behind them a jeep skidded around the corner, the machine gun on the back rattleing bullets into the command truck. A burst of machine gun fire followed by a rocket came from a crane, the rocket slaming right into the jeeps bonnet and blowing it to peices. The rolled up the ramp into one of the boats that looked just about ready to sail away. The transports were open topped so all the drivers hopped out of their vehicles and took cover by the railings. One of the crew members shouted to Jacob who was hanging out of the command vehicles turret "What the hell is going on?! Why are they shooting at us!? He shouted back "We've been set up! Get us out of here NOW!" The sailor nodded and ran back into the cabin. The ramp was pulled up and the ship reveresed away from the peir. As they were turning, more jeeps and a tank arrived at the docks. The soilders in the crane were scrambleing towards their boat. They passed another ship and Jacob lost siight of what was going on. When it came into veiw again, the ship's ramp was pulled up and it was reversing away aswell. The tanks gun seemed to explode as it blasted a shell into the retreating ship. The shell slamed into the ships cabin blowing a hole in it and setting the ship on fire. Even as the crew were extingushing the flames a huge machine, walking on two legs, strided around the corner of the street towards the docks. It had a wedge shaped body along with two arms sporting dangerous looking weapons. Missiles sudeenly blasted out from their launchers on the mechs shoulders. The missiles curled into the ship blowing the deck to peices. As the ship sank the mech walked further into the dock area targetting Jacobs ship. His jaw was hanging slightly. He was looking at a machine designed, not to fight dragons, but for Urban combat. Against humans. How long had they been planning this? Just as the mech was about launch another barrge of missiles, the fog behind jacob lit up orange and several huge bangs echoed across the sky. Something whizzed over head and three shells slamed into the Mech blowing its turret to peices. Its legs crumpled to the ground as the shells slamed into the buildings around it. When the smoke cleared the mech was no more and the transport ship was out of the port sailing towards the DDASF fleet. Jacob collasped into a chair near the back of the ship. The past few days had exhausted him. He ran his hands through his hair and held his head in his hands. Whenever a man died in his unit he was always heart broken. This time only 4 men survived outve his unit. And man others outside his group died aswell. One thing to be sure of, there would be hell to pay
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Re: Realms of the Dragons RPG

Postby Iceking » Sun Oct 21, 2007 3:45 pm

name:dark scale
age:4700 years
length:70 feet
height:30 feet
wingspan:60 feet
weapons:can fire an immensly powerful flame beam from his mouth that can turn easily cause layers of steel to become so weak that he can desroy them with no effort, can fly for short distances, can use a hipcheck attackthat can knock dragons than him flying or cause larger dragons to stumble back, has extremely hard scales that can shrug off many attacks although his belly scales are softer than those of his upper body, can swing his tail to tail whip enemies and can use fire magic.
personality:calm and intelligent, he thinks before he acts to avoid making a bad decision. he will generally give warnings to an opponent and if they refuse to leave after his third warning, he will attack them and give them one last chance to leave before he actually kills them.
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Postby Stallordasaurus Rex » Sun Oct 21, 2007 5:52 pm

Name: One-Horn
Age: 3,000
Species: Albino Monoblos
Length: 81 ft. long
Height: 45 ft. tall
wingspan: 30 ft.
Weapons: Long sharp horn in its nose,spiked club tail, and claws.
Appearance: Image
Personality: Peaceful, but will attack any that enter his territory. When he charges, he can run at high speeds. But, he has to stop directly to go in another direction,after his opponent.
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Postby Anaclagon » Sun Oct 21, 2007 6:08 pm

New York City was devastated. THousands died if not millions. THose who survived live in constant fear, constantly moving from one burned building to another. They find food and supplies and try to live but the massive black dragon made New York his home. Anaclagon was now currently on top of the Empire State Building. Large flames and burnt buildings were all one could see from the tallest building here. Anaclagon releashed a booming, thunderous roar before landing into the streets below, looking for a meal...

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Postby Stallordasaurus Rex » Sun Oct 21, 2007 10:44 pm

The Desert regions were calm,a sandstorm blew across the distance. One-Horn was underground,resting. He was out of the way of the sandstorm,rather violent right now. He decided to wait out the storm.
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Postby Iceking » Sun Oct 21, 2007 10:44 pm

10 miles away from a large human village(one in the country side of germany) there was a very large cave, the opening seeming like a giant maw leading into nothing but darkness. it seemed to be normal from the outside, but humans rarley came near it at all, because something lived in the cave. the sky was clear on this day, but something terrible was about to occur. a group of 10 humans were venturing close to the cave, unowingly heading closer to their deaths. as the small creatures came closer to the cave, a rumbling roar came from within, the sound that of a very large and angry creature. out of the darkness came a beam of immense heat. it was all over in seconds. the terrible inferno of flame hit the humans and they instantly killed and at the same time, set on fire. the owner of the beam walked out, it's black scales making it stand out against its surroundings outside of the cave, but perfet to allow it to hide in the darkness. the dragon let out a loud roar, the sound echoing for 5 miles.
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Postby Anaclagon » Sun Oct 21, 2007 10:48 pm

Anaclagon walked through the steets and entered a underground tunnel. He carried multiple humans in its mouth. Anaclagon stopped, underneath the Empire State Building but underneath was a massive chamber. Deep inside, Ancalagon's mate, a dragon he found while heading to New York. He dropped some of the humans and they both feasted. He was a young father with about 10 baby eggs close by and he wound make sure he would defend his mate, eggs and his territory with his own life...

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Postby Stallordasaurus Rex » Sun Oct 21, 2007 10:55 pm

One-Horn moaned,coming out of the ground like a zombie just awakening from its sleep. He raised his head and bellowed into the sky.
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Postby Iceking » Sun Oct 21, 2007 11:08 pm

dark scale looked at the remains of the humans he had killed, knowing that he had 10 less humans intruding onto his terriotry. the dragon glanced about, looking for any other possible intruders that might be approaching. he didn't see any humans and was satisfied with this. he would go hunting in 3 hours and even though he was slow, he was intelligent enough to find a way to weaken the humans enough so he could catch them and eat them easily. the large beast lumbered back into his cave and decided to rest until he was ready for his hunting to begin. dark scale didn't fall asleep, but he kept watch instead, laying close to the enterance in case any more of those foolish humans might dare to come close to the cave that he had already claimed for himself.
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Postby Anaclagon » Sun Oct 21, 2007 11:23 pm

Anaclagon, crushed the small human's body with its very powerful jaws. The black dragon then looked at the eggs. His mate leaned on him. The Black dragon then started to walk off and growled lowly. "There's something..." The black dragon continued walk through the tunnel and then entered the air from the massive hole and landed on the destroyed streets below and began his search.

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Postby Stallordasaurus Rex » Sun Oct 21, 2007 11:32 pm

One-Horn spread his wings,flapped, and rose from the ground. He soared low to the ground,then started to get higher as he went over the ocean.
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Postby Anaclagon » Wed Oct 24, 2007 7:33 pm

A small dragon invaded Anaclagon's territory. It was looking for gfood... this dragon would pay. Anaclagon walked towards it, still a few hundreds yards away. Anaclagon got this his full height and releashed a massive roar that echoed through New York. The young dragon was terrified and began to run in the other direction. The black dragon took to the sky and releashed a intense river of fire, which cleanly cut through the streets and buildings as the young dragon barely avoided it by also flying. However Anaclagon moved quickly, flying above him. The black dragon roared and then swooped down, grabbing the much smaller dragon by the neck, crushing it instantly with his massive jaws. Anaclagon and then took with him, back to his nest and hungrily dug in, snatching up large amounts of flesh. His mate joined in as well.

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